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MSIN0226 Fintech
Term 2 Assessment title Coursework Individual/group assessment Group
Return and status of marked assessments: Within 4 weeks from the date of submission as per UCL guidelines. The module team will update you if there are delays through unforeseen circumstances (e.g. ill health). All results when first published are provisional until confirmed by the Examination Board. Copyright Note to students: Copyright of this assessment brief is with the module leader(s) named above. If this brief draws upon work by third parties (e.g. Case Study publishers) such third parties also hold copyright. It must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensed or shared any other individual(s) and/or organisations, including web-based organisations, without permission of the copyright holder(s). Academic Misconduct: Academic Misconduct is defined as any action or attempted action that may result in a student obtaining an unfair academic advantage. Academic misconduct includes plagiarism, obtaining help from/sharing work with others be they individuals and/or organisations or any other form of cheating. Refer to Academic Manual Section 9: Student Academic Misconduct Procedure - 9.2 Definitions. Referencing: You must reference and provide full citation for ALL sources used, including articles, text books, lecture slides and module materials. This includes any direct quotes and paraphrased text. If in doubt, reference it. If you need further guidance on referencing please see UCL’s referencing tutorial for students here: https://library- guides.ucl.ac.uk/referencing-plagiarism/welcome. Failure to cite references correctly may result in your work being referred to the Academic Misconduct Panel. Content of this assessment brief Section Content A Core information B Coursework brief and requirements C Module learning outcomes covered in this assessment D Groupwork instructions (if applicable) E How your work is assessed F Additional information
Published 20th October 2021
Section A: Core information
Submission date 17/03/2022 Submission time 10.00 UK time Assessment is marked out of: 100 % weighting of this assessment within total module mark 60% Maximum word count/page length/duration Up to 2500 words in total for all of Part A and Part B. Up to 10 mins for a presentation in Part C. Footnotes, appendices, tables, figures, diagrams, charts included in/excluded from word count/page length? Included Bibliographies, reference lists included in/excluded from word count/page length? Excluded Penalty for exceeding word count/page length If the word count/page length is exceeded the excess content will NOT be marked.
Penalty for late submission Standard UCL penalties apply. Students should refer to Refer to https://www.ucl.ac.uk/academic-manual/chapters/chapter-4- assessment-framework-taught-programmes/section-3-module- assessment#3.12 Submitting your assessment Please submit via the Turnitin Dropbox under the Assessment section of the module Moodle page. Anonymity of identity. Normally, all submissions are anonymous unless the nature of the submission is such that anonymity is not appropriate, illustratively as in presentations or where minutes of group meetings are required as part of a group work submission The nature of this assessment is such that anonymity is not required.
Published 20th October 2021
Section B: Assessment Brief and Requirements This assignment will require you to analyse a fintech company you have chosen. Please make sure you confirm the fintech company you want to analyse with your module leader. This means that you have emailed the module leader with your nominated company, and the module leader has emailed back their confirmation.
The company that you pick should be operating in the fintech industry. You will need to use the business model canvas to explore its business model. You will also use Porter’s Five Forces to analyse the industry segment the company is operating in.
The company you pick should innovate in or disrupt the financial services sector. The company must be in operation, i.e. it should have a functioning service that you can access if required to engage with its business model (e.g., understanding the customer user experience).
You will need to answer Parts A and B with a written response. You can obtain a maximum of 70 marks for these two sections. All answers should be long-form (i.e. not bullet points) and submitted as a pdf file.
Part C can be answered through a recorded presentation and submitted as a mpeg4 or mp4 file full HD 1080p (1920x1080). You can attain a maximum of 30 marks for this section. Your presentation should not be more than 10 minutes long.
Higher marks can be obtained for those that demonstrate correct critical and analytical thinking.
Part A: Business Model Canvas: 1. Please use the different sections of the business model canvas to explore the business model of the fintech company. You must refer to each of the nine sections but only include relevant parts of each section that apply to your chosen company. [18 marks] 2. How does this fintech company's business model differ from that of an incumbent offering similar services in the sector? Why would customers choose the fintech company’s service over an incumbent's? Why haven’t incumbent businesses taken the company’s approach? [12 marks]. [5 marks for clarity and structure of answer] [Total 35 marks]
B: Porter’s Five Forces: 1. Using each of Porter’s Five Forces, please analyse the industry segment that the fintech company is operating in and indicate to what degree each of the forces influences the profitability of the sector and the company’s competitive advantage if relevant. [20 marks] 2. Based on your analysis of the sector (and explicitly referring to the forces), is the overall profitability of the sector high, medium or low, and why? What do you think about the outlook for the profitability of the sector and the company’s competitive advantage and why? [10 marks] [5 marks for clarity and structure of answer] [Total 35 marks]
C: Creating a new feature, product or service: Imagine you are a product manager tasked to come up with a new product or feature for the company you are analysing. You are required to come up with a recorded video presentation on this new feature, product or service (hereafter referred to just as the product) that should cover the following aspects:
1. Summarise your understanding of what the company does and its main products and services. [5 marks] 2. Pitch the new product you are proposing to be rolled out by the company. You should use aspects of the Business Model Canvas and Porter’s Five Forces that may be relevant to your particular case. In particular, you should cover: a. What is the value proposition of the new product? b. What customer segment will this appeal to? c. What technologies does this product utilise, and how? d. How may this generate revenue? e. What will this new product cost, and what additional resources may be required?