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Future of Work
Writing Time: N/A (Take home exam)
Reading Time: N/A (Take home exam)
Open Book Status: Yes
Number of Pages (including this page): 2
Instructions to Students: This examination contributes 40% to the final subject mark. This examination paper includes 1 section.
Section 1: Contains 7 short answer questions. You are required to answer 5 questions. This section accounts for 100 marks. 2 SECTION 1 This section contains 7 short answer questions. You are required to answer 5 questions. This section accounts for 100 marks.
1) According to Treasurer Josh Frydenberg Australia’s labour market is experiencing a ‘great reshuffle’ rather than the ‘great resignation’ witnessed in the United States and other advanced economies since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. Is the ‘great reshuffle’ reflective of a change in how Australians conceptualise ‘paid work’ after two years of living through a pandemic? Discuss. (20 marks)
2) Some argue that we are living through a paradigm shift in the use of technology resulting in several negative consequences for workers living in both developed and developing economies. Using at least one negative consequence experienced by workers in developed and developing economies, explain how workers are impacted by this paradigm shift in the way organisations are using technology. (20 marks)
3) Why is demographic change considered a ‘mega-trend’ shaping the future of work? Using at least two aspects of demography explain how demographic change is shaping the future of work. (20 marks)
4) Using at least two varieties of globalisation analysed in this subject, discuss how globalisation is shaping the future of work. (20 marks)
5) What is the gender pay gap? Discuss using at least three factors that are contributing the gender pay gap. (20 marks)
6) The future of work is inextricably linked with climate change. Discuss. (20 marks)
7) What is meant by the concept of a ‘universal basic income’? By drawing upon at least two arguments in favour and two arguments against, discuss how the introduction of a universal basic income would shape the future of work. (20 marks)