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final exam information Final examination: 12 questions (10 marks per question), 10 minutes “reading” time + 2 hours + 15 minutes admin/upload time, open book. I will post the cover sheet on Blackboard once it has been finalised. Know the trigonometric identities cos2(θ) + sin2(θ) = 1, cos2(θ) = 1 2 + 1 2 cos(2θ). Not examinable • Workbook Sections 3.4-3.5 (almost exact ODEs and integrating fac- tors); • Workbook Section 4.3 (the catenary problem); • You will not be asked to reproduce the inductive proof in Workbook Section 15.4, but you should know the result; • Workbook Section 16.5.1 (systems of differential equations); • Workbook Section 19.4 (quadric surfaces); • You will not be asked to prove the theorems of Green, Gauss or Stokes. 1 Examinable • ODEs – Various methods of solving first order ODEs, especially exact equa- tions; – Existence and uniqueness criteria, examples of method of successive approximations – Second order linear nonhomogeneous ODEs: Wronskian, Abel’s Theo- rem, variation of parameters, method of undetermined coefficients; – Hyperbolic functions: definitions, identities, inverse functions. • Linear algebra – Vector spaces, inner product spaces, properties of an inner product, transition matrices, linear independence, span, basis; – Gaussian elimination, row echelon form, solving systems of linear equa- tions, rank; – Orthogonality in inner product spaces, orthogonal complement, or- thogonal projection onto a subspace, orthonormal basis, Gram-Schmidt process; – Least squares approximation in an inner product space; – Orthogonal matrices, transition matrices between orthonormal bases; – Complex matrices - unitary, hermitian, normal - related results; – Eigenvalues/eigenvectors: diagonalisation, diagonalisation by orthogo- nal/unitary matrices, quadratic forms, conic sections; – Using diagonalisation to classify critical points of a function on n- dimensions. 2 • Double & triple integrals – Double integrals in rectangular and polar coordinates, Jacobian; – General variable transformations in double integrals, Jacobian, image. – Triple integrals in rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinates, Jacobian; – Determine bounds, evaluation; – Changing the order of integration in an iterated integral; – Applications of multiple integrals such as area and volume, calculating mass, locating centre of mass, moments of inertia; – You should understand the formulae for the mass, centre of mass and moments of inertia; • Vector calculus – Flux of a vector field across a curve in 2D or surface in 3D, divergence, flux integrals, Gauss’ divergence theorem; – Parameterisation of curves and surfaces, surface integrals, surface area; – Line integrals in 2D, 3D, curl, conservative vector fields, potential func- tions, Green’s theorem, Stokes’ theorem; – Make sure you know the theorems of Green, Gauss and Stokes, and under what conditions they can be applied.