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INF6060: Information Retrieval
Coursework overview • Assignment 1: Tasks and queries (10%). • Assignment 2: Portfolio of evaluations with recommendations (90%). IMPORTANT you MUST also read the Coursework Brief and FAQ. Assignment 2: Portfolio of evaluations with recommendations (90%). Three sections to assignment 2 1. Tasks and queries 2. Activities 1 - 4 3. Recommendations Gratuitous photo of a cat! Assignment 2: Tasks and queries Section 1 What we are looking for Marks Supported in Tasks and queries All tasks (simulated work tasks and search tasks) and queries used in the evaluations (guideline up to 100 words per simulated work task). 1 mark deducted from presentation if not included. - Reflection A brief explanation of any changes made to the assessment 1 tasks and queries (guideline 100 words). 1 mark deducted from presentation if not included. - What we are looking for - tasks and queries • Are the tasks and queries realistic? Can they be used to conduct a fair test of the system? • Have you taken on board assignment 1 feedback? • Have you revised your tasks and queries as you become more knowledgeable about IR and the Sheffield University Website Search System? HINT! Assignment 2: Activities 1 - 4 Section 2 What we are looking for (minimum requirements) Marks Supported in Activity 1: heuristic evaluation A table that lists the 10 Nielsen heuristics and provides a brief description of whether the search interface deals with the heuristic effectively for 1 SWT. A brief summary of the findings. 15 Week 7 Activity 2: text tokenisation and processing strategy A logical strategy for applying tokenisation to text documents to be indexed by the search system. You should justify any assumptions you make when generating this strategy. 15 Weeks 4 & 5 Activity 3: measuring retrieval system effectiveness You should submit 3 different queries for each of your SWTs (i.e. 6 in total) to the University search system and assess the objective performance of the system based on your chosen queries. This will require you to create relevance judgements for the results of each of your queries and to assess the results using appropriate performance metrics up to rank 10. You should state any assumptions you made when assessing retrieved documents for relevance. 15 Week 6 Activity 4: supporting the users’ search process A table that identifies features of the search system. Features should be categorised using Wilson (2011) and the purpose of each feature should be succinctly described. Brief description of how the user may carry out the two search tasks utilising the categorised features. You should structure this description around a search process model such as Sutcliffe & Ennis (1998). Short conclusion on how well the system supports the two task types. 15 Week 8 Activity 1: Heuristic Evaluation Coursework brief • A table that lists the 10 Nielsen heuristics and provides a brief description of whether the search interface deals with the heuristic effectively for 1 SWT. • A brief summary of the findings. Lecture week 7 • We practiced conducting an heuristic evaluation in class using the Birmingham website search system (remember to use Sheffield for your coursework) Conducting your heuristic evaluation (I) • You will be the evaluator • Evaluate the search interface against Nielsen’s heuristics • Use your SWT when conducting the evaluation • Evaluate the search interface iteratively • Pass 1: get a feel for the system and interaction • Pass 2+: focus on specific elements (and how they fit with the overall interaction) Conducting an heuristic evaluation (II) We ask you for: A table that lists the 10 Nielsen heuristics and provides a brief description of whether the search interface deals with the heuristic effectively for one SWT • Identify positive and negative aspects of the design • You can use screenshots to illustrate your findings (if you think it helps) Heuristic Positives Negatives 1. Visibility of system status System indicates if additional / replacement terms were searched for (figure 1) … More examples … … 2. Match between system and real world … …. Conducting an heuristic evaluation (III) • We ask you for “a brief summary of the findings”. • Think about the severity of the problem. You could refer to one of these schemes • Frequency, impact and persistence of positives and negatives. www.nngroup.com/articles/how-to-rate-the-severity-of-usability-problems • Showstopper, Major issue, Irritant (Kirmani, 2008) What we are looking for – heuristic evaluation • How the search system performs for each heuristic (e.g. strengths and weaknesses). • Correct application of each heuristic • Clear and well written summary. Could also include screenshots. You may also wish to extend this evaluation so that you can make more evidenced based recommendations in section 3 • More than one SWT, device or comparison with other university website Activity 2: text tokenisation and processing strategy (I) Coursework brief • A logical strategy for applying tokenisation to text documents to be indexed by the search system. Lecture 5 RECAP - you practiced this already! 1. Enter a query into the Sheffield search engine based on one of your SWTs 2. Choose a single relevant document and copy and paste its first paragraph/first few sentences 3. Define tokenisation rules and apply them 4. Choose set of 5 stopwords and apply them 5. Create 2 stemming rules and apply them What we are looking for • Accurate application of rules • Description of logical tokenisation rules (including term separation characters; treatment of case and punctuation) with justification. • Description/summary of additional processing steps (e.g., stopword removal) • Concrete examples of how the strategy would transform a raw text document. Activity 2: text tokenisation and processing strategy (II) Coursework brief: • You should justify any assumptions you make when generating this strategy What we are looking for: • A discussion of assumptions and their positive/negative implications. Activity 3: measuring retrieval system effectiveness You should submit 3 different queries for each of your SWTs (i.e. 6 in total) to the University search system and assess the objective performance of the system based on your chosen queries. This will require you to create relevance judgements for the results of each of your queries and to assess the results using appropriate performance metrics up to rank 10. You should state any assumptions you made when assessing retrieved documents for relevance. What we are looking for • Correct use of metric(s) according to search task (e.g. query for known-item should use Reciprocal Rank rather than P@10). Recall is not really appropriate here. • Clear and reproducible methodology including engagement with the appropriate literature. • Clear presentation of results in tabular form. • Some commentary on how relevance judgements were made. Typically binary, but could be multi-graded (highly relevant, partially relevant and not relevant). If multi-graded does not work with P@10. • Some analysis of different query types. Activity 4: supporting the users’ search process (I) Coursework brief: • A table that identifies features of the search system. Features should be categorised using Wilson (2011) and the purpose of each feature should be succinctly described. Lecture week 8 • You made a start on this Activity 4: supporting the users’ search process (II) Coursework brief: • Brief description of how the user may carry out the two search tasks utilising the categorised features. You should structure this description around a search process model such as Sutcliffe & Ennis (1998). • Short conclusion on how well the system supports the two task types. Questions to think about: • Did you use different search features for the two search tasks? • Did the system perform better for different tasks? • Were there features that you thought were missing? • Were some stages of the search process better supported than others? What we are looking for • Table showing a good number of features based on Wilson’s categories.