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HW6: Wrap Up
Stat 33B Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to write some functions in R. General Instructions • Write your narrative and code in an Rmd (R markdown) file. • Name this file as hw6-first-last.Rmd, where first and last are your first and last names (e.g. hw6-gaston-sanchez.Rmd). • Please do not use code chunk options such as: echo = FALSE, eval = FALSE, results = 'hide'. All chunks must be visible and evaluated. • Submit your Rmd and html files to Gradescope. 1) Toggling Switches A room contains 100 toggle switches, originally all turned off. These switches can be initial- ized in R with the following character vector switches: num_switches <- 100 switches <- rep("off", num_switches) 100 people enter the room in turn. The first person toggles every switch, the second toggles every second switch, the third every third switch, and so on, to the last person who toggles the last switch only. 1.1) Toggling switches code (round 1) Write R code to find out, at the end of this toggling process, which switches are turned on. Strategy: In order to solve this problem, we suggest that you start with a smaller vector of switches, for instance: switches <- rep("off", 3). Workout the toggling process and see what hap- pens. Then consider a larger vector: switches <- rep("off", 5) and follow the toggling process. Once you get the right code, then generalize it to 100 switches. 1 1.2) Toggling switches code (round 2) Use some of the recommendations given in labs 12 and 13—for improving the performance of R code—in order to rewrite your code, and achieve better performance. 2) Number of steps in a Random Walk (in one dimension) Consider a random walk of one particle in one dimension. This type of walk involves taking a unit step with 0.5 probability to the right or to the left. Write a function that measures how many steps it takes for one particle to reach a given point x = xp. Your function should take the value of a given point, e.g. 10, and return the number of steps to reach the provided point. Report how many steps are needed to reach the points: x = 5, 50, 500, and 5000. 3) Random Walk in two space dimensions Consider a discrete random walk in two dimensions. At each step there is a 0.25 probability of moving one step to the left, right, up, or down. An example of a random walk of three steps would be the first step is to move one unit to the right, the second step is to move one unit up, and the third step is to move one unit back down to the position attained after the first step. 3.1) Random Walk function Write a function that generates such a random walk. • The function should take two arguments: – start: 2-length vector with the initial position; default start = c(0, 0) – steps: positive integer for the number of steps to be taken. • Your code should check that the input is a valid integer (it should handle zero and negative numbers and non-integers gracefully). • The output should be a list containing 3 elements: – start: 2-length vector with the initial position – final: 2-length vector with the final position – path: a 2-column matrix with the full path of the walk; the columns correspond to the x and y coordinates, respectively; and each row corresponds to the coordinates at a given step • Finally, you could use Rprof() to assess where the bulk of the computation is in your code. 2 • If you are using for loops in your code, try re-implementing another function that favors vectorized code. Here’s an example for how to call a function that computes a random walk on two dimensions, starting at position c(0, 0), and taking 7 steps. set.seed(456) random_walk2(start = c(0, 0), steps = 7) ## $start ## [1] 0 0 ## ## $final ## [1] 2 1 ## ## $path ## x_coords y_coords ## [1,] 0 0 ## [2,] 1 0 ## [3,] 2 0 ## [4,] 2 1 ## [5,] 1 1 ## [6,] 2 1 ## [7,] 2 0 ## [8,] 2 1 3.2) Plot of Random Walk a) Use your function for computing a random walk for position start = c(0,0), and steps = 10, and plot the path of the walk. Graph the path using lines, and mark the start and final positions with points of different colors. b) Repeat (a) but this time for 100 steps. c) Repeat (a) but this time for 1000 steps. 4) Probabilities Consider the following situation. There are two boxes with balls of different colors: • Box 1 contains two blue balls, and one red ball. • Box 2 contains two blue balls, three red balls, and one white ball. Consider a random experiment that consists of generating a random number that follows a uniform distribution (min = 0, max = 1). If the number is greater than 0.5, then a sample 3 with replacement of size 4 is drawn from box 1. If the random number is less than or equal to 0.5, then a sample without replacement of size is drawn from box 2. The goal is to find the probability distribution for the number of blue balls. In other words: • Probability of 0 blue balls • Probability of 1 blue ball • Probability of 2 blue balls • Probability of 3 blue balls • Probability of 4 blue balls a) Create two character vectors box1 and box2 with colors of balls. b) The random experiment involves generating a uniform random number using runif(1). If this number is greater than 0.5, get a sample() with replacement of size = 4 from box1. Otherwise, get a sample() without replacement of size = 4 from box2. c) Repeat the experiment 1000 times using a for loop. To store the drawn samples, use a matrix. This matrix will have 1000 rows and 4 columns. In each row you assign the output of a random sample of balls. Your matrix could look like this (first five rows): [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,] "blue" "red" "red" "blue" [2,] "red" "blue" "white" "red" [3,] "red" "blue" "red" "red" [4,] "red" "red" "red" "blue" [5,] "red" "red" "blue" "white" d) Once you filled the matrix with the drawn balls, compute the proportion of samples containing: 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 blue balls. e) Plot the relative frequencies of number of blue balls over the series of repetitions. See an example of this type of graph in the next page.