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ECON-UA 227: Urban Economics
Course Project Instructions and Requirements
A: Instructions
1. The Course project worth 40% of the course grade. 2. There is no specific number of pages for this project since writing styles vary among students. 3. The ONLY accepted format for this project is PDF file. If you did any work in excel or word, simply copy it to a single PDF file. 4. This project must be done individually. 5. Upload the project to the project link on Brightspace before the deadline. Pleas do not submit your project by emailing it to me or to the TA.
If you have any questions about the course project, please direct your email to the teaching assistant Meaghan Price [email protected]
B: Requirements:
1- Pick any urban economy (it could be any city) of your interest and search for eight variables from the following ten variables for years from 2000 to 2018. Make sure all of the data are in the same unit (either millions, billions or trillions). If the data sources are giving you different units, please convert them all to be in the same one unit. If you don’t know how to convert from say millions to billions or vice versa, Ask google. It should be easy. (10 Points) 1. Population Density (average population per square mile) 2. Average labor wage (per hour or per year) 3. Gross domestic product 4. Average corporate profits 5. Employment Rate 6. Average housing Prices 7. Number of firms 8. Innovation index 9. Air quality index 10. Crime Rate
2- Graph Each variable in the variable data page. (5 Points) - Ask Excel to graph the variable for you. If you don’t know how to graph it, watch a YouTube video. - On the vertical axis you can put the variable and on the horizontal axis you will put the years.
3- In the second page (for the variable) write a report about the variable in three points (25 Points) A- What is the variable: Define it. B. How did it change across the 18 years? Increased? Decreased? Increased then decreased? ….etc. C. Why you think it changed the way it did. This “Why” Part is the MOST IMPORTANT part of the whole project. Dedicate at least two paragraphs to elaborate on it. Be aware that 60% of the grade of this project will be on this part. You collected the data, graphed it and described it and did all this work in order to be able to explain WHY this variable changed the way it did. Be analytical, be creative and generous.
Be as detailed as you can in this part. Read about the variable and try to understand why it changed and what happened to it in the last 18 years. Was there a policy enacted that could have changed the variable? Did the variable change during a recession? Where can you read about that? Below a list of 11 websites on which you can find helpful readings. Just go there and search using the variable name and the country name. You are welcome to watch YouTube videos for news about the variable behavior for the years of your interest.
This project really needs good reading and a lot of thinking. Give it time and effort as much as you care about 40% of your course grade.
Never copy anything from anywhere. This project should be your individual original work.
4- Make sure to cite every source that you use either for data or for information about the variable in APA format in the last page of your projects.
C: Project Overview
The project should include 17 Pages for the 8 variables (2 pages for each variable) plus the references page. For each variable; in the first page, you can list the data (in a table) and post the graph for this data in the same page. Any chart type you may like is fine; in the second page (for the variable) write your report about the variable “What, how and why”.