CGE12412 Appreciation of Western Art
Creation date:2024-04-23 15:31:27
Appreciation of Western Art
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CGE12412 Appreciation of Western Art
Assignment #2:
Individual – Blog 40% (week 13)
Write a blog entry to students in your old Secondary School. The topic is:
Modern Art is important.
In your blog, state whether you agree or disagree with the above.
Discuss at least THREE Schools of Art / Styles of Art that were the subject of your lectures this
semester. You should also talk about key artists and give examples of their works as evidence for
your argument.
Include pictures and details of the art works to which you refer.
NOTE: Because this is NOT a research paper, DO NOT do any research or refer to any sources
at all for this paper. We want you to write knowledgably and with critical thinking about the
CGE12412 Appreciation of Western Art
Assignment #2 The Blog (30% of overall grade):
Marking Rubric
% of
Excellent / Very Good
A range grades
Good / Satisfactory
B range grades
Fair / Weak
C range grades
Marginal / Fail
D/F range grades
Describe the
essential aesthetic
concepts and
principles of
Western art.
Offers an insightful
critical evaluation of
a work in the area
studied. Uses and
applies terminology
or concepts
appropriate to the
area studied
Provides extensive
specific, relevant, and
accurate analysis and
details about the
work itself and about
its relationship to
other works,
contexts, and/or
concepts (as
appropriate to the
Essay is well
organized and
conveys a unified
Provides a coherent
discussion of a work
in the area studied.
Makes valid points
about the work, yet
provides more
summary than
Uses and applies
some terminology
appropriate to the
area studied. Provides
clear and direct
statements about the
work, and about its
relationship to some
relevant works,
contexts, and/or
concepts (as
appropriate to the
Essay is logically
structured and
Provides a clear
summary of a work
in the area studied,
but offers little
analysis or
evaluation, or offers
unsupported opinion.
May refer to some
terminology from the
discipline, though
some misconceptions
may be present.
Makes occasional
direct reference to the
work and about other
relevant works,
contexts, or concepts.
Essay often lacks
detail and supporting
explanation, and the
information offered
may lack accuracy or
Student is not able to
put together a
coherent critique or
evaluation of a work
in the area studied.
Usually does not use
or does not apply
terminology or
concepts. Does not
place the work in an
evaluative context
and does not provide
direct detail or
evidence from the
text to support
claims. Includes
multiple irrelevant
and/or inaccurate
Essay does not
present a unified
focus and is often
confusing or difficult
to follow.
Examine how
people express,
extend and
challenge society in
unique ways
through art;
Applies relevant
qualities and historical
knowledge of the art or
design form; exhibits
exemplary perception of
how artistic or design
skills are used.
Applies some but not all
of the relevant qualities
and historical
knowledge of the art or
design form;
demonstrates limited
perceptions of how
artistic or design skills
are used.
Provides only a few
general or implied
reasons why the work(s)
is are culturally or
historically important.