MET CS622 Final Project Description
Creation date:2024-04-22 17:34:17
Final Project Description
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MET CS622 Final Project Description
The pose-output.csv file is the result of feeding many exercise videos file into a pose-
estimation algorithm
Each exercise is a tensor (three-dimension data, i.e., x,y,z and time)
(1) You need to create a visualization that as an input we feed an exercise and
creates a visualization of the physical activity as an animation or gif. Look at 4th
Your visualization should be the same (of course not the video)
(2) The user need to feed more than one acitivity data and get its related
visualization. Therefore, you need to made a tool that list activities, when the
user selects an activity it visualizes the activity.
(3) By visualization I mean a short animation that shows how users moves as well.
* For the project you need to make yourself familiar with MatplotLib visualization, GUI
development or any other libraries that you feel comfortable using it. Also you are free to
do it in Python, Jscript, HTML5 and combination of these tools.
* Any collaboration with other student is forbidden and if we detect it, we will assume it as
* By the end of November, you should prepare an update of your work and submit a
progress report. If you have any problem with your project, I will let you know. Otherwise,
you cannot get the grade of your final project at all.