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Reading Time: 10 minutes (during this time, please read questions carefully!)
Examination Time: 2.5 hours (150 mins)
Final Exam Weight: 30%
Format: Online Take-home (short release)
The examination is an open book exam, you may use your own notes, lecture materials, books or any other reference material to help you prepare your answers but proper referencing standards and acknowledgement of all information sources used is expected in all instances. All answers are to be TYPED and submitted in a single PDF file that is uploaded and checked through TURNITIN in an Assignment portal set up in a University canvas exam site for BANK3600.
Whilst questions do not include calculations, you may have an approved non- programmable financial calculator by your side during the exam, if you wish.
Semester 2 Exam Timetables and Preparation: Your Exam Timetable is now available (eg. See your canvas dashboard and links here). Make sure you read the information provided on exams carefully as it includes details on how each exam will be run online.
In preparation for the Final Exam (Type D – short release) please have a look at this information on the Taking Online Exams canvas site, there are helpful answers to frequently asked questions regarding online exams:
Taking Online Exams
What to expect:
The final exam covers material drawn from the entire Unit of Study.
The Exam is marked out of a total of 30 marks (worth 30% of your overall grade in this UoS) and consists of six (6) questions worth 5 marks each. It is organized into three (3) sections with two short answer questions in each section (please note that some questions will have related sub-questions). There is NO choice in the Exam, you must ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. The structure and coverage of the exam questions is as follows:
These two questions cover the material related to syndicated lending (learnt as part of Group Project 1). The material that will be examined in this Section was covered in the mini lecture series on this topic during Project 1 and you can also draw on your project 1 work. In this section, you need to use your critical analysis skills to demonstrate that you can apply your knowledge on syndicated bank lending to business practice to provide effective business solutions.
These t w o questions cover the material related to Banking into the Future (learnt as part of Project 2). The material that will be examined in this Section was covered in the mini lecture series on this topic during Project 2, the Australian Banking Royal Commission and issues around conduct, risk, culture, governance and ethics in banking practice and you can also draw on your project 2 work. You are expected to provide advice on what to do and why under certain scenarios.
The two questions in this section will ask you about your own experience from working on the two Group Projects you considered during this UoS. The question asks you to reflect on the project w o r k and to critically assess aspects of it and your own personal learning journey this semester. These questions will require you to ‘dig deep’ and self-reflect on your own experiential learning experiences and what you are taking away from this Capstone unit beyond this semester and into the work place and your future career.
Other Information:
Answers to all short answer questions should be carefully planned to be succinct and to the point. Your intended audience for whom you are writing for is the time-pressured senior management level relying on your critical assessment, experience and advice as inputs for their decision making. You should write in full sentences and refrain from using just bullet points (unless it can really help to structure your answer). As a guide, each question in its entirety (even with multiple related sub-questions) can be answered in no more than 300 words. This makes planning your answers for impact really necessary! The 10% error margin on the word count (permitted within the Business School) would apply on the total words allowed ie. 1800 words for all questions (not in each question).