BIOL30001 Reproductive Physiology Exam
Creation date:2024-04-22 17:27:39
Reproductive Physiology Exam
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BIOL30001 Reproductive Physiology Exam
School of BioSciences
BIOL30001 Reproductive Physiology
Format, authorised materials and referencing:
• Open-book exam deployed as two separate 1-hour Canvas quizzes, each with 15
minutes of ‘reading’ time.
• Lecture notes and materials can be used, although these must be paraphrased from
• For long answer questions it is expected that primary literature or other resources are
utilised and appropriately referenced in answers.
Instructions to Students:
This exam (both Canvas quizzes combined) is worth 45% of the total subject mark. For each
question there is a suggested time and the marks available for that question e.g. ~2 minutes
per mark.
• We have allowed ample time to answer the questions.
• Exam Part A (Sections 1 and 2) are MCQ answer and data interpretation short answer
• Exam Part B (Section 3) comprises of long answer questions to be written in Canvas quiz
• Take care to write concisely and accurately. We will give you no marks if you write things
that are incorrect, or if you contradict yourself, since these indicate a lack of
understanding of the topic.
• Backtracking is permitted in your exam.
• Where appropriate please included citation in long answer question responses.
The exam has 3 sections, and marks are distributed in proportion to the time allocated.
Exam Part A
Section 1 25 Multiple choice questions (1 mark per question) 60 minutes
Section 2 5 Data interpretation questions (2 marks per question) 15 minutes
Exam Part B Section 3 Answer TWO of the three long answer questions (15 marks per question) 75 minutes
TOTAL Two Exams each 1 hour and 15 minutes 2.30 hours
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BIOL30001 Reproductive Physiology
EXAM PART A: SECTION 1 (60 minutes; 25 questions and 25 marks)
Multiple choice style questions: total 25 marks and allow 50 minutes.
1) Destruction of the CL in sheep is caused by which of the following?
a) Prostaglandin-F2α pulses
b) decreases in oxytocin action
c) decreases in uterine oxytocin receptors
d) increases in progesterone concentration
e) down-regulation of oestrogen action
2) In this figure which label indicates where androgens are produced?
3) Hypothalamo-pituitary disconnected rams were given GnRH pulses every 2 hours from
an infusion pump. After allowing time for the system to stabilise, the rams were injected
with oestradiol. Which of the following is true?
a) LH will decrease and FSH will stay the same
b) FSH will decrease and LH will stay the same
c) There will be a surge in LH due to the very high E2 levels, followed by a fall in LH
d) Both LH and FSH will decrease
e) There will be no change in LH or FSH
… followed by 22 more Multiple Choice Questions
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EXAM PART A: SECTION 2 (15 minutes; 5 questions; 10 marks)
For the data interpretation questions you may be provided with a figure, table or scenario in
which you are expected to answer either a multiple choice or short answer question. Each of
the 5 data interpretation questions will require you to answer two questions. We have
allowed 3 minutes per question (5 questions and a total of 10 marks).
Question 1. The figure below shows the AMH concentration (pmol/l) in seminal plasma and
sperm count (x 106/ml) of 47 adult oligospermic and normospermic men between the ages
of 26 to 44 years old attending an ART clinic.
I. From the figure above how many normospermic men have an AMH concentration above
200 pmol/l?
a) 10 men
b) 7 men
c) 6 men
d) 5 men
e) 3 men
II. Based on these data, state below, in one to two sentences, your prediction of how AMH
concentration may relate to Sertoli cell function in normospermic men.
…..followed by 4 other Data interpretation questions.
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EXAM PART B: SECTION 3 (75 minutes; 2 questions; 30 marks)
ONLY answer TWO of the 3 questions
SECTION 3 (75 minutes, 15 marks PER QUESTION)
Answer TWO questions in the textboxes provided from:
Question 1. Compare and explain for a mono-ovular and polyovular species the steps and
any differences involved from activation of a primordial follicle to the formation
of an embryo, focussing on the hormonal and anatomical changes that
accompany this transition.
Question 2. Identify which steps involved in spermatogenesis many change in length
between humans and ruminants and give 3 examples of how dietary and
environmental factors can impact this process.
Question 3. Outline at least 5 different diagnostic measures used to identify disorders of
fertility. In your answer, make sure you demonstrate your understanding of the
normal physiology/anatomy as to why these diagnostic measures are employed,
as well as what is changed in the disorders you are discussing.