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● Submissions will be strictly tested for plagiarism with specialised software and penalties strictly enforced. 1.3. Purpose of assessment The purpose of this assignment is to assess your ability to: ● Write a structured computer program. ● Demonstrate good programming practice, as discussed in the course notes, lectures and computer workshops. ● Demonstrate good and correct use of Python. 1.4. Marking: The Assignment will be marked automatically by Repl.it. Your mark is the percentage of the passed unit tests. 2. Content TASK 1: You are given a data set of the US weather history (USweather_history.txt) for one year (1/7/2014-30/6/2015). Your task is to find the actual hottest and coldest days and their corresponding temperatures.
TASK 2: You are given a spending sheet in a csv file including (name of users, date, spending). User names are unique. Your task is to 2.1 Find the total and mean of spending each user, then return the name of the user who has the smallest mean and the name of the user who spends the most in the whole data. 2.2 Find the day where users spend the most.
TASK 4: Capital letters of the alphabet are assigned numerical value in order from -12 for A, to +13 for Z, i.e. A = -12, B=-11, C=-10 …..Y=12 and Z=13. Your input will consist of a string of capital characters in a single line. Your function should return: • the greatest total letter score which can be achieved from any consecutive substring. • the first and last characters from this maximal substring. Example: Input: GEUHRTANB Output: 15, UT Example explanation: The substring UHRT achieves the best score here. It is worth 8 + -5 + 5 + 7 = 15. This is the greatest achievable substring score from any consecutive substring. The first and last characters of this substring are U and N. So 15 and UN are the outputs. Note: If the first and last character of the substring are the same letter then output it twice e.g. WW
Hints: ● Please include comments in your code to explain how it works; these must be written in understandable English. ● You would need to use materials taken from lectures and computer labs for this Assignment. ● You can use any built-in function from Python.