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INSTRUCTIONS for students:
You must answer all the 3 Questions, respecting the following page number limits:
- Question 1: answer must be provided in maximum 8 pages .
- Question 2: answer must be provided in maximum 4 pages .
- Question 3: answer must be provided in maximum 3 pages .
- R code used to answer Question 1 must be provided in an Appendix at the end of all 3 answers,
and there is no page number limit for the R code.
Answers to all Questions 1, 2, 3 and the Appendix with the R code for Question 1 must be included
in one unique file in one of the following three formats: .DOC, or .DOCX, or .PDF .
QUESTION 1 [ Points : 11 out of 20 ]
You must answer this question by generating tables / graphs using the software R. You must
insert the tables / graphs you generated, relevant formulas and the commentary to them in
maximum 8 pages. Only the first 8 pages with the answer to this question will be graded, and all
the additional pages (9th, 10th etc.) will not be graded.
The R code used to generate the numbers / Tables / Figures provided for this answer should be
copy-pasted in an Appendix to the submitted final file, to be placed after all the answers to all the
3 Questions. There is no page number limit for the R code of this Appendix. The tile of this
Appendix must be ``APPENDIX: R code for Question 1’’.
Download one time series of at least 20 consecutive years of daily Adjusted Prices from Yahoo
Finance website of either one stock or one stock market index from the stock market in one of
the following countries:
- Australia
- Canada
- France
- Germany
- Italy
- Netherlands
- Switzerland
- United Kingdom
Your sample of at least 20 years of consecutive daily data must include the entire year 2020,
and must end on the last trading day of the year 2020 (that is at the end of December 2020).
You are allowed to use either one stock of a company, or one stock market index representing
the stock markets (or a segment of the stock markets, for instance the index of energy stocks) of
these countries, as long as the data can be downloaded from Yahoo Finance using the R function
“getSymbols” from the R package “quantmod”, as we have done in ` `Lecture 2: Financial Returns:
Description and Stylized Facts’’.
You cannot use the following indexes / stocks: S&P500, DOW JONES (DJIA), IBM, TESLA.
Any choice of your sample/data not compliant with the above instructions will cause a heavy
penalization on your grade of this question.
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At the beginning of your answer to Question 1, indicate clearly:
- the name and the exact ticker of stock or index you are considering,
- the length of your sample (number of days, months, years),
- the initial and final dates of your sample, and
- the stock market and country in which the stock you selected is traded, or to which the stock
index you selected refers to.
Using the time series you downloaded in PRELIMINARY STEP 1, compute the log-returns at
daily, monthly, and annual frequencies and present a table of summary statistics of these three
series of returns. The table should be similar to the one appearing in slide n. 91 of the set of slides
titled ``Lecture 2: Financial Returns: Description and Stylized Facts’’.
Does the time series you have downloaded following the preliminary steps present features in
line with all the 8 Stylized Facts of financial prices / returns discussed in ``Lecture 2: Financial
Returns: Description and Stylized Facts’’?
Explain carefully your answer for each of the 8 stylized facts by using additional computations,
tables and graphs done/generated using the software R and the data you have
downloaded/computed following the two preliminary steps. You are free to decide the right mix of
tables, graphs, formulas and comments needed to answer this question.
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QUESTION 2 [ Points : 5 out of 20 ]
You must answer to this question in maximum 4 pages. Only the first 4 pages with the answer
to this question will be graded, and all the additional pages (5th, 6th etc.) will not be graded.
ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION, which is made by five sub-questions: 2.a, 2.b, 2.c,
2.d, and 2.e. :
Let be the excess returns on month of the stock IBM, computed as the difference between
returns of IBM and the yield of a T-bill issued by the US Treasury with maturity 1 month. Consider
the following ``4 factors model’’ for :
= 0 + ⋅ , + ⋅ , + ⋅ , + ⋅ , + , (1)
where , , , , are the 3 ``Fama and French factors’’, , is the “Momentum”
factor and is assumed to be ∼ (0 ,
2). Model (1) has been estimated by OLS using the
software R on a sample of 84 months (that is 7 full years of monthly data). The output of the
estimation is given in Table 1. Note that some lines of the R output in Table 1 have been computed
by the software, but your professor has hidden them: you might need to compute them to answer
the following sub-questions.
Your professor is very concerned about the presence in the innovation terms of the model (1) of
conditional autocorrelation up to order (lag) p = 5 and, instead of performing the usual Lijung-
Box (or Box-Pierce test) on the residuals, he has performed for you the appropriate auxiliary
regression to test for it. The adjusted 2 of the appropriate auxiliary regression for this test is
̅2 = 0.025 .
Question 2.a)
Using the above information, perform the test for the presence of autocorrelation in the
innovations of the model with a significance level of 10% and discuss the results.
Question 2.b)
Given the results of the test you performed to answer Question 2.a), how would you construct
appropriate standard errors for the coefficients of the regression model in equation (1)?