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FIT5106 practice exam
This exam has three parts. You must answer questions from each part.
Part A – Reflective pieces is worth 60 marks.
Part B – Short answers is worth 20 marks.
Part C – Dublin Core is worth 20 marks.
Part A – Reflective pieces
Answer THREE (3) of the following FOUR (4) questions. Each question is worth 20 marks. In each case, use examples to illustrate your arguments. [ACTUALLY THERE ARE FIVE QUESTIONS IN THIS PRACTICE EXAM – JUST TO GIVE YOU A BROADER RANGE OF POSSIBILITIES]
• Explore the strengths and weaknesses of the central arguments contained in TWO (2) readings from weeks 5 to 12, explaining why these are relevant to the organisation of information.
• What is RDA? Explain how RDA has evolved from AARC2 as a response to the changing environment of information resources in the twenty-first century.
• Discuss your views on information organisation at the beginning of this semester, and how (if at all) these views have evolved as you have studied FIT5106. • Discuss the meaning of “user-centric” and “user-sensitive”, and explain how the Breast Cancer Knowledge Online portal differs from other health information portals.
Part B – Short answers
Answer TWO (2) of the following THREE (3) questions. Each question is worth 10 marks. In each case, use examples to illustrate your arguments.
• What is metadata? How can it be used to help organise collections of information resources?
• Define the following FIVE (5) terms/acronyms, and explain why they are relevant to the topic of information organisation: LCSH / DDC / bibliographic network / thesaurus / AACR2.
• Identify and discuss 2 problems that may be encountered by cataloguers when using classification schemes such as the Library of Congress Subject Headings or the Dewey Decimal Classification to catalogue Indigenous or non-Western cultural resources. In your answer, include suggestions for addressing these problems. Part C – Dublin Core
Address BOTH of the following questions. This section is worth 20 (TWENTY) marks.
Examine the document reproduced below.
a) Apply ALL relevant Dublin Core elements (listed below) to the following document, so that it can be stored (and when necessary, retrieved) within an organisation’s information system.
b) If you believe that any Dublin Core elements are not relevant, explain in each case the reasoning behind your decision(s).