EEEN60180 wireless communication systems
Creation date:2024-04-19 17:00:31
wireless communication systems
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EEEN60180 Coursework
Performance evaluation of wireless communication systems using
1 Instructions
This coursework includes two tasks to complete, Task A [70 marks] and Task B [30 marks], respectively.
1.1 Task A
Follow the steps from A.1 to A.7 to complete the first part of the assignment requirements (the unique parameters
has been included in a box at the end of the coursework instructions):
A.1 Study the paper: ”Area Spectral Efficiency of Cellular Mobile Radio Systems, IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol.,
July 1999”.
A.2 Write necessary Monte-Carlo simulation programs to study the overall performance of the mobile cellular
network. Only Down-link transmissions need to be considered taking into account the effects of different
parameters, including reuse distance, cell size, signal-to-noise ratio, path-loss exponent, ...etc.
A.3 You need to submit a complete report which includes the abstract, introduction, performance curves
(results). Be sure to add your comments, discussion and conclusions to the results, as well as the simulation
programs you have used in texts, not images (with explanations in the code comments).
A.4 The performance is measured in terms of area spectral efficiency and outage probability. Add all necessary
labels, units and captions to the figures and if necessary distinguish curves using different colours, marks
and/or line types.
A.5 Provide simulation results for the area spectral efficiency in down-link transmission taking only the pathloss
in consideration, without any fading effect.The results should be similar to the ones in ”Area Spectral
Efficiency of Cellular Mobile Radio Systems, IEEE Trans.Veh. Technol., July 1999”, in particular Fig.4,
Fig.5 and Fig.6. Also you have to provide simulation results for the area spectral efficiency in down-link
transmission for the parameters assigned for you (change only these parameters values, while the others
remain without change), taking only the path-loss in consideration, without any fading effect. [50 marks]
A.6 Provide simulation results for the area spectral efficiency in down-link transmission for Rayleigh fading in
down-link transmission. The results should be similar to the ones in ”Area Spectral Efficiency of Cellular
Mobile Radio Systems, IEEE Trans.Veh. Technol., July 1999”, in particular Fig.10 and Fig.11. [10 marks]
A.7 Provide simulation results for fully loaded down-link transmission Outage probability for both cases;
pathloss only and with fading using your assigned parameters. Outage probability is defined as:
Pr(Outage) = Pr(SINR < γo)
where γo is a predefined threshold. You need also to plot Pr(outage) against γo. Choose a proper Γ value
for range of γo ∈ [0− Γ] in dB. [10 marks]
1.2 Task B
Follow the steps from B.1 to B.2 to complete the second part of the assignment requirements (the unique
parameters has been included in a box at the end of the coursework instructions):
B.1 Blockage of the desired signal and high interference are two of many challenges in wireless communications.
State of the art ”Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS)” technique is under research to overcome such
challenges. Study section II, III and IV sections ( pp.116755 to 116761) from ”Wireless Communi-
cations Through Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces,” in IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 116753-116773, 2019”.
Consider the down-link scenario in the first task taking into consideration that no direct path existed be-
tween the desired base station and the mobile user device if it is farther than Redge as in Fig. 1 below.
Where only the desired BS has a direct path with the RIS, assume that no interference signals exist and
the RIS fixed at RRIS∠180o. At the same time, the user MS located within the cell edge is constrained
in the area between Redge and R is supported with the RIS ( if the user MS within the cell edge area
Redge < r < R, then the RIS assisted communication system is active, else it is not).
Figure 1: Simple RIS assisted wireless communication system geometry without interference.
B.2 Write necessary Monte-Carlo simulation programs to provide the ASE with assisted RIS wireless system
similar to the results from ”Area Spectral Efficiency of Cellular Mobile Radio Systems, IEEE Trans.Veh.
Technol., July 1999”, in particular Fig.4, Fig.5 and Fig.6. In addition, provide the outage using the unique
parameters for the assisted IRS wireless system to compare with step A.7 results. The RIS consists of
meta-surfaces ∈ {16, 64, 128} cases only. Assume St = 43 dBm[1] and the SNR = 10 dB. RRIS = ζ × R
and Redge = η ×R ( see your unique parameters for ζ and η) . [30 marks]
2 Marking schemes and your unique parameters
Steps Task Mark
A.1 - A.5 Basic downlink 50 marks
+ Basic downlink for unique parameters
A.6 + Rayleigh fading 10 marks
+Rayleigh fading for unique parameters
A.7 + Outage 10 marks
+Outage for unique parameters
B.1 - B.2 + ASE assissted by RIS for unique parameters 30 marks
+Outage for unique parameters
Your unique parameters are:
1. Pathloss Exponent = Follow Ref [1], it is the same ones!
2. Frequency [MHz] = 1800 MHz.
3. Rayleigh fading parameter for the desired signal = Follow Ref [1], it is the same ones!
4. (ζ, η) = (0.60 , 0.75).
[1] M. Alouini and A. J. Goldsmith, ”Area spectral efficiency of cellular mobile radio systems,” in IEEE Trans-
actions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 1047-1066, July 1999, doi: 10.1109/25.775355.
[2] E. Basar, M. Di Renzo, J. De Rosny, M. Debbah, M. -S. Alouini and R. Zhang, ”Wireless Communica-
tions Through Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces,” in IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 116753-116773, 2019, doi: