CS 520-A: Introduction to Operating Systems
Creation date:2024-04-19 16:09:23
Introduction to Operating Systems
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CS 520-A: Introduction to Operating Systems
The Simulation Programming Project
(As announced, this project’s score will be graded on the
same scale as Final 60%.)
Please consult the remaining slides (starting from slide 45) of Lecture 2 (Process
Scheduling), which outlines the approach to the project, and start the development. Note
that the pseudo-code there is merely to provide some guidance.
You must submit a zip file with the copies of both your well-commented code, the
output, and the report. Your code must run, of course.
Write a simulation of a (rather simplistic) system of Figure 1. You should re-use the core
code of the “bus problem” as well as the code you have written for the bus simulation.
Create 10 processes of random execution time with lengths uniformly distributed
between 2 and 4 minutes (use the uniform distribution method for random number
• For each process, the times between I/O requests (i.e, CPU bursts) are
distributed exponentially. The mean inter-I/O intervals for the processes are
respectively 30ms, 35ms, 40ms, 45ms, 50ms, 55ms, 60ms, 65ms, 70ms, and
• Each time an I/O is needed it takes precisely 60 ms
• A process, once it enters the system and before it exits it, can be either in the
Ready Queue, or the I/O queue. (It is convenient to consider the process at the
front of the Ready Queue to be serviced by the CPU, and the process at the
front in the I/O Queue to be serviced by the channel that deals with all I/O
devices; however, care should be taken to count the time of the process being
serviced separately from waiting time.)
Correspondingly, your data objects will be the Process Control Block, the Ready Queue,
and the I/O Queue along with the event object, which you should adapt from the Bus
The task is to write the simulation of the system behavior for the whole period of the
execution, while computing and collecting the following statistics: CPU utilization,
throughput (i.e., the average number of processes completed in a unit of time),
turnaround time (i.e., the average time it took to execute a process), and average waiting
a) Different simulation runs are to be performed with the First-Come-First-Served
and Shortest-Job-First (SJF) algorithms. For simplicity, use the actual burst times
that you have generated rather than predict them with exponential averaging.
b) Think about the conditions under which average waiting time increases with the
decreasing quantum in Round Robin and under what conditions it decreases with
the decreasing quantum. Write a statement describing these conditions. (Note:
There is no need to use a quantum that is larger than the maximum CPU burst
[computed on the set of all the processes] since in this case RR reduces to FCFS.)
c) Design experiments to test your statements in Part b). In the first experiment, the
processes will satisfy the conditions you listed and will cause the average waiting
time to increase with decreasing quantum. In the second experiment, the
processes will satisfy the condition you listed that will cause the average waiting
time to decrease with decreasing quantum. Each experiment should have about 5
runs, which differ only in the respective value of the quantum. Design some
experiments with the following characteristics:
o At least 10 processes are used, each having many CPU bursts.
o The largest and smallest CPU burst averages differ by a factor of at least
o The CPU utilization is between 50 and 90 percent.
Run the experiments using the simulator. For each experiment, create a log file
containing the tabular data and Gantt charts for the runs.
You should submit the following, in a zip file:
1. Source code listing;
2. Logs for all runs, as described above; and
3. Report with your observations.
(100 points)
Note: Because this project will affect more than half of the grade, any suspected case
of plagiarism will result in the grade of F for the course. Although this is an
individual assignment, you may still discuss this project with other students;
however, the code and the report must be your own. Please remember that BOTH
sharing your work with others as well as submitting the work done by someone else
are actions forbiddent by the Stevens Honor Code (for undergraduate students) and
Graduate Code of Conduct.