COMP3900/9900 Commerce Recommender System
Creation date:2024-04-19 14:46:29
Commerce Recommender System
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Project 5
E-Commerce Recommender System
The business-to-consumer aspect of electronic commerce (e-commerce) is the
most visible business use of the World Wide Web. The primary goal of an e-
commerce site is to sell goods and services online. This project deals with
developing an e-commerce website. It provides the user with a catalog of different
products available for purchase in the online store. It must also include a
recommender system that helps a user/customer choose which product to
There are two entities who will have access to the system. One is the admin and
the other one is the registered user:
1. Admin can add products with their details such as product name,
description, features, warranty, and delivery date.
2. Admin can also view and edit products information whenever required.
3. Admin can view all order details and can also view the sales of the
4. Users need to register with basic registration details to generate a valid
username and password.
5. After login, registered users can view all the recommended products on
the homepage.
6. Registered users can select the desired product and view its details and
add it to the shopping cart if he/she wishes to buy it.
7. Registered users can do payment online.
8. Registered users can view their order history of their purchased products.
The system comprises two major modules with their sub-modules as follows:
• Admin
o Login: Admin can login in to his/her account.
o Add Product: Admin can add a product with its details.
o View / Edit Products: Admin can view and edit products.
o View Sales: Admin can see sales data.
• User:
o Register: User can register.
o Login: User can login to his/her account.
o Home: User can see his home screen with recommended products.
o Product Detail: User can see detailed information about the product.
o Add to Cart: User can add the product to the cart.
o Payment: User can see payment details.
o View Order: User can see order details.
o View Recommendation: the system can recommend some products
to a customer.
An example of such a recommender system will be a gift shopping website that
can help people who want to purchase a gift for a specific person, but they don't
have any idea what they can purchase for them. The system will ask some questions
about the gift receiver characteristics and favorites then it recommends the best
You need to come up with, at least, eight (8) functionalities including, at least, two
novel functionalities with respect to existing related systems in the selected
application domain.