OLET1139 – Economics of the Everyday
Creation date:2024-04-18 15:50:48
Economics of the Everyday
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OLET1139 – Economics of the Everyday
You have been asked by the Australian Department of Human Services to prepare a short essay
using economic arguments to help the government understand the decision to have children and
how divorces may affect children. In your essay you should discuss the following:
• A brief description of the birthrate and divorce rate in Australia over the last 50 years (150
words recommended)
• How do individuals make decisions from an economic perspective about whether to have
children? Give and explain a few economic benefits/costs of having children. (150 words
• What are the main reasons for the decline in fertility in Australia? List and explain five
major reasons for the decline in fertility. (150 words recommended)
• Many studies reported a strong correlation between divorces and worse outcomes for
children. List and explain four different reasons of why children who did (or did not) grow
up with both their biological parents might experience better (or worse) outcomes in life.
(300 words recommended)
• Should the government provide greater incentives for marriage, greater costs for divorce?
Are there any unintended consequences? List and explain two unintended consequences of
such policies. (250 words recommended)
• The essay should be 1000 words (at most 1100 words).
• The essay should follow the following structure:
Title Page
A title page that includes the title of the essay and student ID. (not included in the
word count)
I. Introduction
A brief description of the birthrate and divorce rate in Australia over the last 50 years.
II. Body (Analysis / Discussion)
Answer the questions set out as above. This section may consist of different
paragraphs, headings, sub-headings.
Below is a simple example of an in-text reference and a reference list entry:
In-text reference:
[…] In contrast to most other introductory microeconomics textbooks,
Nguyen and Wait (2016) discuss all economic concepts in a very concise
manner. […]
Reference list:
Nguyen, B. & Wait, A. (2016). Essentials of Microeconomics. London, UK:
Taylor & Francis.
• Submission Instructions: Essays must be submitted electronically via the Turnitin
submission inbox on Canvas by 23:59 on 29 July 2022.
• Rubric: See the next page.
Grading the Essays
• The essay represents 45% of your final grade for OLET1139.
• Essays will be graded on the basis of the substantive arguments you make, along with
the clarity of your exposition. The discussion that you set out may be enhanced by any
research that you refer to in your paper. We would encourage you to search for other
relevant information about the question. Government reports and academic research
papers are a good place to look.
• Your discussion should draw on the economic concepts and reasoning that have been
developed in this unit.
• Rubric: Essays will be graded using the following grading table:
1) Content and Organization
Introduction: address issues listed. Discussion is clear,
persuasive and cites sources of information that are
appropriate. There is evidence of research.
How do individuals make decisions from an economic
perspective about whether to have children? Give and
explain a few economic benefits/costs of having children.
There is evidence of research.
What are the main reasons for the decline in fertility? List
and explain five major reasons for the decline in fertility.
There is evidence of research.
Many studies reported a strong correlation between
divorces and worse outcomes for children. List and explain
four different reasons of why children who did (or did not)
grow up with both their biological parents might experience
better (or worse) outcomes in life. There is evidence of
Should the government provide greater incentives for
marriage, greater costs for divorce? Is there any unintended
consequences? (250 words recommended). There is
evidence of research.
Conclusion /5
2) Grammar and Mechanics
Sentences are well constructed, in terms of style, logical
organization, clarity, and succinctness. There are few
grammatical/spelling errors
References are correctly formatted, accurately represent the
source material, and comprehensive