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EEEE4120 – Digital Signal Processing Rubric
Coursework 1: Filtering of Sound No submission Poor Unsatisfactory Adequate Good Excellent Outstanding (1) Introduction [10 %] No introduction in report Introduction unin- telligible or very basic Limited explana- tion of the assign- ment and chal- lenge Assignment and challenge is ex- plained with context, clear objec- tives and outcomes) + Researched background and analysis (2) Review of Methods [10 %] No review in re- port Review unintelli- gible or very ba- sic Review at- tempted but is incomplete Review explores all methods used for this assign- ment Thorough quantitative review given for the different methods used for this assignment - this may be achieved using suitable figures, equations, graphics, plots, etc. (3) Methods and Results [50 %] - Methodology: No methodology or results in re- port No attempt shown at de- veloping useful processing solu- tions Implementing at least one unique process- ing solution - a solution may in- clude more than one processing method/step Implementing at least two unique processing solu- tions Implementing at least four unique processing solu- tions + Quantitative comparison of the unique processing solutions given - Details given of method justifica- tion and required input parameters: No justification for the process- ing solutions or input parameters given Input parameters given for each so- lution but with lit- tle or no justifica- tion for the choice of methods and parameters Detailed justifica- tion for the choice of methods and parameters given Quantitative jus- tification for the choice of meth- ods and parame- ters given Thorough exploration and analysis of input parameters and justifica- tion given for each solution October 2021 Page 1/2 EEEE4120 – Digital Signal Processing Rubric – Coursework 1: Filtering of Sound - Communication and analysis of results: No resultant plots given Resultant plots for each method with limited anal- ysis of method efficacy given Resultant plots for each method with detailed analysis of method efficacy given + Rigorous quantitative analysis of method efficacy with parameter/method exploration (4) Conclusion [10 %] No conclusions in report Conclusion unin- telligible or very basic Conclusion summarises the as- signment and processing solutions + Further conclusions are drawn - additional depth could be achieved by considering alternative solu- tions, alternative comparisons, future improvements, discussion around tools and procedures, etc. Report presen- tation and file submission [20 %] Report or MATLAB files not submit- ted Unclear figures, unclear English and document formatting, in- appropriate report length, not all required MATLAB files included or are not executable Unclear figures, inadequate En- glish and docu- ment formatting, inappropriate report length, not all required MATLAB files included and is either not or only partially executable Some clear fig- ures, mostly understand- able English, adequate docu- ment formatting, correct report length, all re- quired MATLAB files are included but is only par- tially executable Mostly clear figures, un- derstandable English, good document for- matting, correct report length, all required MAT- LAB files are included and output results using only the provided sound files when run Clear figures, good clear En- glish, excellent document for- matting, correct report length, all required MAT- LAB files are included and output results using only the provided sound files when run