PP 312: Advanced Statistics for Data Analysis
Creation date:2024-04-17 16:17:16
Advanced Statistics for Data Analysis
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PP 312: Advanced Statistics for Data Analysis I
Instructions: Answer all the questions. Please show your computer code for
the programming exercises and include clear and concise comments. Show your
work for any calculation that you do.
1. On the Canvas site, there are two programs, “roymodelSample.Rmd” and
“anRoyModelSample.do”. The first is an R program written for R-Studio. The
second is a Stata program. Run both programs on your machine. While similar,
the R and Stata programs offers slightly different results. Explain why. (35
2. Change the seed on both programs to a birth date you know (but not your
own. Why?). How do the results differ from question 1? (15 points)
3. Using the initial seeds, calculate the standard deviation of people who become
economists. Calculate the standard deviation of people who become accounts.
How do these conditional standard deviations differ from the standard deviation
for the complete sample? Why? (25 points)
4. Using the initial seeds, now increase the standard deviation of economic
earnings to $12,000. What happens to the outcomes relative to those you found
in question 1? Explain the differences. (25 points)