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People Analytics HRMT5502
Assessment Individual Report- 6 pages (30% total- individual assessment) Objective: This assessment is designed to develop your skills in: 1) understanding business problems, 2) using analytical tools and techniques, 3) interpreting output, and 4) reporting output for an audience with little to no statistical background (i.e. a non-technical report). Please note: this is an individual assignment and so this must be your own work. When you submit your work it will be checked for plagiarism so, whilst I encourage you to support your classmates, it is important that the work you submit is your own work. Details: The focus of this assessment is to write a six-page report that communicates your findings in a clear and concise fashion. To complete the report you need to read through a Harvard case study (Store 24a and Store 24b) to understand the business problems, download and analyse a dataset (from data and R starter code provided on LMS) then prepare a report summarising your findings and recommendations. The report should consist of six A4-pages (1.5 line spacing, 2.5cm margins all sides, Arial font). Note- the data and starter code are provided as a zip folder on LMS in the Assessment 2 Folder under Data and Data Descriptors. Stages of Analysis and Report Writing This assignment is made up of several stages, as shown below. Harvard Case Study Managing employee turnover is an important area for HR/people analytics. The Harvard Case Study (Store 24a and Store 24b) relates to predicting profitability/sales and the impact of employee tenure. This case provides information about the organisation, summary data, and raw data to help explore and understand how employee turnover impacts organisational performance (in particular profitability and sales). From the case you need to do the following: Develop a logic model, from the research, and using some of the variables in the data set. Draw this model and include it in your report Test your logic model using the data provided and regression analyses Fully interpret the output Communicate Findings -summarise the findings -include management recommendations -avoid statistical jargon -develop 6-page report Develop a Logic Model with SOME of the variables in the dataset -consider which variables could be used to form a logic model -develop a logic model Summarise Data -tables -charts -numerical measures (means, etc) -run the R code -make changes to the R code as needed Analyse Data -perform correlations, assumption testing, and multiple regression on the data -run the R code -make changes to the R code as needed -test your logic model Interpret Output -interpret the analytical output Understand the Harvard Case Study and Data -read the two cases: Store 24(a) and 24(b) -download the data and R starter code -read through the data descriptions in the case -run the R code 2 Structure- Report The Report should include all of the following information, visualisations such as tables and charts, and detailed discussion of your findings. Please do not discuss the process of arriving at your results (you don’t have enough space in the report) instead focus your report writing on the overall findings. The structure of the six pages is as follows. Please do not use these topics as headings for your pages (come up with your own headings). 1- Cover Page 2- Business Problem (discuss the logic model here) 3- Data and Sample Information, Sample Demographics etc 4- Findings/Results (Descriptive Statistics- charts, means, standard deviations, correlations, etc) 5- Findings/Results (Inferential Statistics- Regression output) 6- Conclusions and Recommendations. Structure- R code There is no particular structure for the R code however to help me please make sure I can easily understand your code by using comments (with the hashtag) throughout your code. Thanks in advance. Please note that you need to add on to the R starter in order to complete the report as the R code is incomplete and incorrect in some places. Marking criteria On completion of the report you will need to submit the following: 1) your individual report and 2) your R code. The report should be no longer than six A4-pages (1.5 line spacing, 2.5cm margins all sides, Arial font). The R code has no size limit but PLEASE make it easy for me to read. Please note the R code is not assessed however I need this to check the accuracy of the information presented in your report. The individual report is worth 30% and must be submitted on or before 11th October 2021, 4pm and via LMS. Please ensure you allow plenty of time to upload to LMS. Please check the marking rubric to understand the allocation of marks for this assessment. The marking rubric is on LMS.