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Stat 101B Homework Question one. Suppose that you are hired to offer a sampling plan for the study described below. Answer questions 1 to 4.
A doctor wants to examine the effectiveness of a new medication on lowering blood pressure. 120 males in the fifty to seventy five age range volunteer to participate in the study. Assume that half of the participants are older than 60.He is planning to create two experimental and one control group. The two experimental groups will be taking 5mg and 10mg of the new medication and the control group will be taking a sugar pill.
The researcher is also interested in finding out if the effect of the medication varies with age.
1) What steps will you take to divide the volunteers into the relevant groups. 2) Draw a schematic of the design, show the main effects as well as any interaction effect. 3) Write the equation for the linear model. 4) Show all the relevant means and how each component of the proposed linear model can be estimated using sample means. 5) What is the formula for calculating sum of square of total for this study.
Example: The following is the schematic of a two-sample test of the mean
Experimental group Control group 1 1 2 2 . . n n Mean of experimental = "." Mean of control = ".#
Linear model (i stands for subject and j stands for the group) $% = % + $% ".. = grand mean % = ".& ? ".. $% = $%'".%
Question two.
Using diversity data, Conduct a two way anova and examine the effect of UCLA climate(uclaclimate) and perception of discrimination (ucladiscp) on the students’ perception of exclusion (uclaexclusionaryp).
For uclaclimate a) Delete very uncomfortable and uncomfortable as sample sizes are too small compared to other categories. Recode “very comfortable” to “excellent”, “comfortable” to “good” and “somewhat comfortable” to “ok”. Make “OK” the base.
For perception of discrimination (ucladiscp)
b) Cut ucladiscp into two categories including (low = below median) and high (above median)
c) Create a contingency table for discrimination by uclaclimate to make sure the frequency within each cell is acceptable.
d) Run the model. Include the output.
e) Write the null and alternative hypotheses in symbols.
f) Write the research question and the conclusion you draw within context.
g) Create the interaction plot. Place campus climate on the on the X-axis, mean of uclaexclusionaryp on the Y-axis and create two lines for discrimination.
In addition to the R commands given to you on cfu two way anova for drawing the interaction plot, you can use the following command.
h) Make the table of means for ucla climate by discrimination. i) Conduct post-hocs as needed and interpret the results within context. j) Conduct test of simple main effects and report the results. k) Interpret the interaction plot using the results you obtained from the test of simple main effects.