ARCH 1261 Construction and Structure
Creation date:2024-04-15 16:25:56
Construction and Structure
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ARCH 1261
Construction and Structure 2
Submission 3: Construction Documentation Report
For the third assignment, students will complete the structural solution for the architectural scheme
given to you. The Construction Documentation Report will be a series of A3 panels. In this
submission, you will have the opportunity to develop and present your own structural solution for
the architectural scheme assigned. The report will comprise structural floorplans, sections and
Figure: Example of a 1:10 Details
The mark for this assignment is 50% of the total course mark
CRITERIA Not at all Partially Entirely
Overall presentation
1 The graphic quality of the drawings at 1:50 scale is clear
and responds to the Australian Standards specification 0 3 6
2 The graphic quality of the drawings at 1:10 scale is clear
and responds to the Australian Standards specification 0 3 6
3 The 1:50 drawings are provided with diamensioning 0 2 3
4 The 1:10 drawings are provided with diamensioning 0 2 3
5 The catalogues or suppliers from where the building
components are chosen is clearly identified 0 2 4
6 The line-weight improves the drawings legibility 0 2 4
Retaining Wall
7 The sections showing the retaining wall demonstrates the
correct drainage strategy 0 2 5
8 The sections showing the foundations demonstrates the
correct water-proofing and damp-proofing strategy 0 1 2
9 The sections showing the foundations demonstrates the
layering of materials underneath the foundation slab 0 1 2
Structural Frame
10 The position of the columns is correctly identified in
relation to the project layout 0 2 4
11 The position of the primary beams is correctly identified 0 2 4
12 The size of the primary beams is correctly identified 0 2 4
13 The position of the secondary beams is correctly
identified 0 2 4
14 The size of the secondary beams is correctly identified 0 2 4
15 The strategy to guarantee lateral stifness in one direction
is correctly identified 0 3 5
16 The strategy to guarantee lateral stifness in a second
direction is correctly identified 0 3 5
17 All connections between frame-components (columns,
beams, cross-bracing) are correctly identified 0 4 9
18 The size of the balcony components is correctly identified 0 2 4
19 The connections between the balcony components and
the building skeleton is correctly identified and in
0 2 4
20 The stairs are designed following the Australian standard 0 1 3
21 The stairs components are correctly connected to the
building frame 0 1 3
22 The components of the roof are correctly assembled
together 0 2 4
23 The roof structure is correctly cross-braced 0 2 4
24 The voids for the skylights are correctly designed 0 1 2
25 The supports for the gutters are correctly identified 0 1 2