MBA502 EI Self-Reflective Report
Creation date:2024-04-15 16:22:56
EI Self-Reflective Report
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Subject Code: MBA502
Subject Name: Emotional Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence and Diversity
Assessment Title: EI Self-Reflective Report
Assessment Type: Report
Word Count: 1500 Words (+/-10%)
Weighting: 30%
Your Task
Using the first two of Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence (EI) domains of self-awareness and self-
management, students are to write an EI self-reflective report. Students are to use a variety of EI
development tools and strategies provided during classes to assist in their reflections.
Assessment Description
In this EI self-reflective report students will demonstrate how what they have learned in the first
four weeks of the trimester has improved their understanding of EI, in particular their levels of
self-awareness and skills in self-management. Students are to refer to the outcomes of the
psychometric test (link below) and at least one other of the emotional intelligence tools (e.g.,
mindfulness and journaling) to demonstrate their increased knowledge and understanding.
Finally, students are to reflect on any implications of their increased emotional intelligence in their
future career as a professional.
? Psychometric EI test link - Emotional Intelligence Test - Global Leadership Foundation
Assessment Instructions
o Introduction (150 words)
o Self-awareness (400 words)
o Self-management (400 words)
o Implications for your future career (400 words)
o Conclusion (150 words)
o Reference List (using the Harvard Referencing Convention throughout your report and
reference list at the end)
? You should include a minimum of 2 academic references, with the remaining from
contemporary business articles, news items and/or comparison websites.
? Please refer to the Assessment Marking Guide to assist you in completing all the assessment
Page 2 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline
Important Study Information
Academic Integrity Policy
KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences
of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct
What is academic integrity and misconduct?
What are the penalties for academic misconduct?
What are the late penalties?
How can I appeal my grade?
Click here for answers to these questions:
Word Limits for Written Assessments
Submissions that exceed the word limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point
at which that limit is exceeded.
Study Assistance
Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the
resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Click here for this information.
Page 3 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline
Assessment Marking Guide
Criterion Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
and Conclusion
6 marks
No introduction and/or
conclusion included, or the
information supplied is limited
and does not add any
significant value to the paper.
The engagement of the
reader is highly unlikely. Very
poorly written.
A basic introduction covering
the essential information is
included. Writing acceptable,
but some errors and/or poorly
written. Some value added to
the paper by the introduction
and/or conclusion, but this is
limited. There are a number of
written English and
grammatical errors, which limit
the reader’s engagement.
The introduction is solid,
clearly written and provides an
overview of what is to come in
the paper. Some engagement
of the reader is likely, but this
could be improved. The
conclusion includes a
summary of the report
highlighting some insights
and/or critical concepts. Some
analysis evident; but could be
better developed. Some
written and/or grammatical
The introduction is focused,
compelling and exceptionally
well-written. The reader is
provided with a clear direction
about what is to come in the
paper, which entices them to
read more. The conclusion is
convincing and powerfully
written, drawing together the
key insights of the report.
Analysis straightforward and
compelling. Smooth flow and
transition to the paper with
minimal errors.
The introduction provides a
compelling and focused
overview of the report. The
reader is provided with a clear
sense of what is to come in the
paper and is actively engaged.
The conclusion summarises
the key concepts, position, or
argument. It is succinct and
draws together the main points
of the report. Analysis clear
and detailed. Both the
introduction and conclusion
are well-written, with very few
grammatical or spelling errors.
8 marks
Limited understanding or
effort made to explain self-
awareness. Limited or non-
existent explanation of the
in-class EI tools. Written
English poor – to the point
where comprehension was
difficult or impossible. No
academic sources used, or
as an exception.
Some understanding of self-
awareness apparent but
minimally developed.
Explanation of the in-class
EI tools given but could
have been better developed.
Development of self-
awareness unclear or
limited. Written English
reasonable, with some
errors which detract from the
flow of the report. Academic
sources used sparingly and
did not add to the paper or
Understanding of the area of
self-awareness expressed;
could be improved by further
discussion/analysis. In-class
tools referred to and some
connections made to
increase self-awareness—
some indication of
improvement in
understanding. Overall, well-
written, with a few errors.
Academic sources used
effectively but could be used
better to expand and inform
the discussion.
Clear understanding and
connection with the area of
self-awareness apparent. An
increase in self-awareness
noticeable. Clearly explained
and detailed discussion of
how the in-class tools
assisted and developed self-
awareness. Insights are
apparent. Very well-written,
engaging, and compelling.
Academic sources used to
expand and supplement the
A deep understanding and
appreciation of the area of
self-awareness apparent,
along with an identifiable
increase in self-awareness.
Specific details provided
about how the tools used in
class have developed and
augmented self-awareness.
In-depth insights shared. This
section is an exceptionally
well-written report –
compelling and engaging.
Academic sources used
skillfully to support and
inform the discussion.
Page 4 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline
8 marks
Little or no explanation or
discussion of self-
management and its
relationship to EI. Personal
reflection and or reference
to tools or strategies
inadequate or non-existent.
Some awareness of the
concepts of self-
management and EI
mentioned, but little
explanation or exploration.
Tools and strategies
discussed but limited
analysis. Some reflection is
apparent. Understanding and
appreciation of course work
apparent. Some inclusion of
academic sources – not well
connected to the topic.
Understanding and
appreciation of the role of
self-management in EI
obvious. An awareness of
some of the tools and
strategies evident. An
apparent effort at analysis
and personal reflection
included. Some insights
included. Academic sources
listed but not used to explain
or augment the statements
The role and importance of
self-management in EI
articulated effectively.
Different strategies/tools
detailed and linkages
apparent. Personal reflection
and growth were evident.
Successful use of academic
sources included and
effectively used to build and
develop the discussion.
Demonstrated deep and
considered understanding of
the area of self-management.
Detailed information about
strategies and approaches.
Explanation, reflection and
insight into the effectiveness
of these tools detailed, in-
depth—exceptional and
skillful use of academic
sources to augment and
develop the position taken.
Future career as
a professional
8 marks
There are few if any details
regarding career and
professional decisions. An
unsatisfactory effort was
apparent. No academic
references included.
A general discussion re EI and
its relevance to career and
professional decisions;
connections not well
developed. Academic sources
used sparingly and/or do not
notably support the position
taken. Few linkages included
and/or underdeveloped.
A solid discussion re EI and its
importance for career and
professional decisions.
However, it could be more
robust. Academic sources
included and relevant but
could be used more effectively
to build and augment the
position taken. Linkages
included, but minimal
Thoughtful discussion of the
implications of EI and its
relevance to effective career
and professional decisions.
Academic sources effectively
used to support the position is
taken — linkages apparent
between EI understanding and
areas for development.
Considered reflection re EI
and its implications for
professional and career
decisions. Academic sources
used skillfully to develop,
inform and augment the
position taken. There are
strong and considered links
made between EI
understanding and areas for