CMT310 Developing Secure Systems and Applications
Creation date:2024-04-15 15:40:52
Developing Secure Systems and Applications
Module Code: CMT310
Module Title: Developing Secure Systems and Applications
This assignment has two parts and is worth 100% of the total marks available for this
module. If coursework is submitted late (and where there are no extenuating
1 If the assessment is submitted no later than 24 hours after the deadline,
the mark for the assessment will be capped at the minimum pass mark;
2 If the assessment is submitted more than 24 hours after the deadline, a
mark of 0 will be given for the assessment.
Submission Instructions
Each submission must have the following submitted files:
Description Type Name
Cover sheet Compulsory One PDF (.pdf) file [student number].pdf
Report Compulsory Only One PDF (.pdf) CMT310-[student number].pdf/doc/docx
All submissions must be made via Central Learning. The assessment should be submitted via
Turnitin. You are expected to merge both PDF documents (listed above) into one file and
only ONE single file should be uploaded to Turnitin. Failure to do so will incur in a penalty.
Incomplete submission (missing the report): the final mark will be 0/100.
Not following the structure of the report (mentioned on page 2): the mark awarded will
reduce by 10%.
Staff reserves the right to invite students to a meeting to discuss coursework submissions
Learning Outcomes Assessed
This individual assignment contributes to the assessment of the following Learning
Outcomes (LO) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the unit:
1. Comprehend the common technical security controls available to prevent, detect and
recover from security incidents and to mitigate risk.
2. Articulate security architectures relating to business needs and commercial product
development that can be realised using available tools, products, standards and protocols.
3. Deliver systems assured to have met their security profile using accepted methods and
development processes.
4. Critically analyse the formal correctness of software systems
5. Justify the selection of different cryptosystems and of different models of PKI
6. Critically analyse industry control systems and protocols