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Electronic Engineering
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Paper Queries:
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? University of York Page 2 of 8
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? University of York Page 4 of 8
(a) [12 Marks]
Explain the difference between baseband and bandpass (or
modulated) data transmission, giving examples of where each
one might be used. (4 marks)
For the data sequence ‘0110’, sketch the waveforms for each of
the four combinations of unipolar and polar signalling, with return-
to-zero (RZ) and non return-to-zero (NRZ), and also the
waveform for polar Manchester coding. In each case also sketch
the signalling pulse. (8 Marks)
(b) [14 Marks]
Describe the relationship between the power spectrum of a
random baseband data waveform and the signalling pulse.
Explain in your own words why this relationship arises. (6 marks)
A baseband data transmission scheme operating at 250 kbit/s
uses unipolar RZ signalling in which the signalling pulse width is
one quarter of the bit period. Sketch the single-sided power
spectrum of this signal, and find the maximum power spectral
density at any frequency above 2 MHz, in dB relative to the power
spectral density at zero frequency. (8 marks)
Page 5 of 8
(c) [12 Marks]
What is meant by intersymbol interference? State the Nyquist
criterion in time domain form and explain why it enables
intersymbol interference to be avoided. (4 marks)
Sketch, as accurately as possible, the single-sided amplitude
spectrum of a raised cosine Nyquist signal with 40% roll-off. Use
this plot to show that this spectrum fulfils the Nyquist criterion in
frequency domain form. (6 marks)
If a baseband channel has bandwidth 700 kHz, find the maximum
data rate for distortion-free binary transmission using this signal.
(2 marks)
(d) [12 Marks]
Explain why in practice a root raised cosine signal is often used.
Sketch the single-sided amplitude and power spectra of such a
signal, again with 40% roll-off. (8 marks)
A binary signal using this format has power 0.5 pW at the
receiver, and the noise power spectral density at the receiver is
5 × 10?22W/Hz. For the data rate you obtained for the system in
part (c), find the maximum signal to noise ratio, in dB, that can be
achieved at the detector, following any filter. (4 marks)
? University of York Page 6 of 8
(a) [12 Marks]
Explain in your own words what is meant by noise figure and by
noise temperature. How can each be used to determine the
equivalent input noise power for a receiver driven from a matched
impedance at 290K?
A receiver has a noise figure (defined at 290K) of 6 dB. Find the
equivalent input noise power spectrum density, assuming it is
operating at 17?C.
Boltzmann’s constant, expressed in dB, is -228.6 dBJ/K
(b) [12 Marks]
Describe in your own words how noise can give rise to errors in a
digital communication system, and how the error probability may
be calculated for a given signal to noise ratio. You may illustrate
your answer with reference to binary phase shift keying (BPSK),
using appropriate diagrams. Hence show that for BPSK the bit
error probability is given by:
= (√
Explain the terms in the equation.
Page 7 of 8
(c) [26 Marks]
The constellation shown in Fig 2 is for a modulation scheme
sometimes called STAR-16QAM. (Note that the radius of the
outer ring is twice that of the inner ring). Find a formula for the
BER of this scheme in terms of the bit energy to noise density
, valid for high values of
. State any assumptions you
may make. (20 marks)
What simple change to the constellation might improve its BER
performance? Estimate approximately how much this might
reduce the required power for a given very low BER. (6 marks)
Fig. 2: STAR-16QAM
? University of York Page 8 of 8
(a) [12 Marks]
List two types of antenna that can provide a large gain (10 dBi or
more). For each state the parameters that determine the
achievable gain, and describe how the gain might be calculated.
Describe also what determines the boresight direction and the
(b) [14 Marks]
List three factors other than free space path loss that may cause
attenuation to a radio signal as it passes through the atmosphere.
At which frequencies in which geographical locations may each
be particularly significant? (9 marks)
A radio link operating at 60 GHz is subject to atmospheric
attenuation of 20 dB/km. Compare the atmospheric attenuation
to the path loss for a link of length 10 km. Comment on the result.
(5 marks)
(c) [24 Marks]
A radio link receiving signals from an interplanetary spacecraft
operates at 8 GHz. The antenna on the spacecraft has a gain of
20 dBi, and it transmits with power 1W. The terrestrial receiving
antenna is a dish of diameter 50 m, and you may assume the
aperture efficiency is 70%. The antenna receives sky noise at an
effective temperature of 6K, and the receiver has a noise
temperature of 20K (it is cooled in liquid helium). The data rate
should be 64 kbit/s, and the demodulator requires a bit energy to
noise density ratio of 10.5 dB for correct operation. Determine
the link budget and hence find the range of the link. (18 marks)
Without changing the antennas or the transmit power, how might
the range be increased? (6 marks)