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Lecture 3: Control Structures
Year 1 Mechanical, Civil & Electrical Engineering
When coding, the sequences of calculations are not only linear, where one
evaluation is performed, the next line is then performed and so on until it
finishes. There are many instances in which the same calculation is required
to be performed again and again, repeating either for a certain number of
iterations before proceeding, OR repeating until a certain criterion is met
before proceeding.
In MATLAB, these looping functions are called a ‘for’ loop or a ‘while’ loop
x = x + 1
Define x=0
is x > 3 ?
Output x
Loop True
Flowchart Example
‘while’ loop Example: Code
Flowchart to increase value
of x until > 3.
An example of using a
‘while’ loop was shown in
the 1st lecture in the flow
diagram example.
For Loop
‘FOR’ Loop Flowchart Example
Define Loop Counter
‘i’ and vector limits
in loop
is i = i (end)?
i = i + 1
i = i(1)
A ‘for’ loop, is a section of code that cycles through repeatedly for a pre-
determined number of cycles.
When initialising a ‘for’ loop, a loop counter is created. In the flowchart, the loop
counter has been named ‘i’ (a loop counter is just a variable, use MATLAB
naming conventions).
The loop counter is assigned to a vector (MUST ONLY be integers). The vector
integers are the values which the loop counter will be assigned to for each
successive loop cycle (until the loop section end is reached).
At the end of the code section loop, MATLAB checks to see if the ‘for’ loop needs
to finish, or re-start. It does this by checking the current value of the loop
counter, compared to what the final value of the loop counter vector will be.
If the loop counter is NOT equal to the FINAL loop counter vector value, the
loop re-starts, the loop counter CHANGES to the next integer value in the vector,
and the loop contents are calculated. If the loop counter EQUALS the max value
in the vector, the loop exits.
Example: ‘for loop’ layout
For Loop
‘FOR’ Loop Flowchart Example
Define Loop Counter
‘i’ and vector limits
in loop
i = i + 1
i = i(1)
The loop counter is assessed for
when to exit the loop, but this is not
its only use in a ‘for’ loop.
As the loop counter is
fundamentally a variable, it can be
used in the calculations inside the
is i = i (end)?
Example: ‘for loop’ In this example, we can see that
when ‘i’ is typed in the loop to be
displayed for each loop cycle, the
value of ‘i’ is overwritten each
cycle, and when the loop exits, ‘i’
is equal to a single integer value
(the final vector value).
1:5 is the vector [1 2 3 4 5]
For Loop
As the loop counter increases each cycle iteration in integer form, a loop counter is often used to reference the index
of a variable during calculations.
Example 1: ‘for’ loop using index
In this example the loop counter ‘i’ has
been assigned to 2 variables A and B. ‘i’
is also used to reference the index of B
so that the calculations of each loop
cycle are stored, and NOT overwritten.
By using the loop counter as the index for B (B(i)), this
ensures that in the 1st cycle when ‘i’ = 1, B(1) = i and when the
2nd cycle occurs, B(2) = i and so on throughout the loop
On completion of the loop cycles, we see B is now a vector
the length of the loop counter vector, and A (assigned as i) is
a single integer value (having been overwritten each loop).
Example 2: ‘for’ loop using index
For Loop
In this example C and D have been initialised outside of
the ‘for’ loop. This is because if they are initialised inside
the loop, each time the loop cycle re-starts, the values
of C and D would be re-initialised, and consequently
erase any of the previous cycles calculations.
Without using the loop counter as the index for C, as the cycles iterate, C is
overwritten; but by using its own variable in the calculation (C = C+i), the
previous value can be brought into the next cycle and in this case add the
value of i.
For ‘D’ however, this example is adding an integer of 1 to the i counter for the
D index assigning. This means that the 1st cycle of calculations is set to the 2nd
index of D, and with D(i) being used in the calculation, this means the previous
value of D is used in the assigning +i.
1st Cycle
5th Cycle
3rd Cycle
4th Cycle
2nd Cycle
While Loop
‘WHILE’ Loop Flowchart Example
Initialise ‘condition’
while ‘condition’ meets
criterion, continue loop.
in loop
does ‘condition’
meet criterion?
A ‘while’ loop, is a section of code that cycles through repeatedly for an
undetermined number of cycles, until a condition criterion is met.
When initialising a ‘while’ loop, a condition variable needs to be set, to
evaluate against a specified criterion.
At the end of each cycle the condition is checked against the criterion, to
assess whether to exit the ‘while’ loop or to re-start and re-calculate the
loop contents.
Example: ‘while’ loop not meeting criterion
While Loop
Example: ‘while’ loop
x has been initialised to equal 10
before the while loop. If initialised
inside the ‘while’ loop, ‘x’ would reset
each cycle to 10, and the loop
execution will not stop.
In each loop, x has 2 subtracted and at
the end of the loop cycle, if x >5, the
loop cycles and re-calculates, if x≤5
the loop exits.
When a ‘while’ loop is used in code, it is
essential that IF the contents of the loop
have to be calculated, the condition
variable MUST meet the while loop
criterion. Otherwise the ‘while’ loop will
be skipped entirely.
(See example above).
Initialised x=1.6 (less than criterion), x > 3
to enter while loop.
Example: ‘while’ loop incorporating
loop counter and indexing.
Example: ‘while’ loop using multiple criteria
While Loop
Often, multiple criteria will need to be met in a
calculations. In MATLAB, the logical operators
are && and ||, where these represent ‘and’ (both
expressions need to be met), and ‘or’ (either
expression needs to be met to break the loop).
If these operators are not met, they act as a
‘short circuit’ and so exit the ‘while loop’.
While 3 > x ≤ 10, the while
loop iterates.
Loop counters
can be utilised
like in a ‘for’
loop, except
the counter
variable needs
to be created specifically for the task. In this case,
i = i +1 . The loop counter is then used here for
indexing calculations.
Example: Never-ending ‘while’ loop Example: ‘break’ a loop
Stopping a Runaway Loop
REMEMBER: To Cancel MATLAB running operations: Ctrl + C
? Sometimes a ‘while’ loop will
accidentally be coded that will
never end. (x will always be >3).
? In these cases, MATLAB will only
stop through ‘Force Stopping’
the code.
? When coding using loops, for
either ‘for’ loops or ‘while’
loops, there are many times
that being able to stop or
‘break’ a cycling loop is
? This can be if the calculations
are not going to stop, or if a
requirement is met.
? By using the conditional
- ‘if [condition]’
? This immediately exits the loop.
Nesting Loops
In the example shown, there is an outer loop, which runs from loop
counter ir = 1 to ‘rows’ (defined variable), and there is an inner loop
which has a loop counter ic which loops from ic=1 to ‘columns’
(defined variable).
Code and flowchart algorithm:
? MATLAB enters the outer loop, (ir = 1).
? MATLAB enters inner loop (ic =1).
? The fprintf displays a star,
? ic counter increases (ic = ic+1) until ic = ic(end).
? Exits inner loop
? New line in command window
? Outer loop counter increases (ir = ir+1) until ir = ir(end).
? End code
A ‘nested’ loop is where a looping section of code is placed within
another looping code section.
Nested Loops
Nesting Loops
EXAMPLE: Nested Loops
Shows the value of i and j and calcs
through successive loop cycles.
; j
; j
; j
In the previous example, the nested loops simply printed to the command window. An important use of nested
loops however, is to use the loop counters to store calculations using indexing. As the loop counters for the inner
and outer loops cycle, the counter values are used within parentheses of the variable used to store calculations. This
ensures that calculations are not overwritten during each successive loop cycle.
In this example, the value of
the calculation ‘A’ is
displayed, along with a
printing statement, showing
the outer loop counter
variable value and inner
loop counter variable value.
Remember for this example:
A(i,j), i is the row index
j is the column index.
‘IF’, ‘ELSEIF’ and ‘ELSE’
Conditional Statements
In coding it is commonplace to have coding that needs to be implemented ONLY if a certain criterion is met. For
this we use a control structure called conditional statements (‘if’, ‘elseif’ and ‘else’).
The conditional statement ‘if’ is similar to some properties of a ‘while’ loop. A ‘while’ loop will execute a section
of code in cycles until a condition is no longer true, whereas the conditional statement ‘if’ will execute a section
of code and implement it ONCE if a condition is true.
? Conditional statements will often be used inside loop structures, allowing code to adapt based on the
calculations themselves.
? Sometimes different sections of code will need to be run through based on various
criteria. Although separate ‘if’ statements can be used, this is inefficient and messy.
If additional condition options are valid, the ‘elseif’ conditional statement is used.
? ‘elseif’ expressions can be used one after another, but if there reaches a point
where there is only a single option remaining, the ‘else’ structure would be used but
without and conditions associated.
Conditional Statements
Example: ‘if’, ’elseif’ and ‘else’,
In this example, variable ‘A’ is assigned to a random number between 0 and 1 (using the function ‘rand()’). We
want to print to the command window a text string stating whether A is greater than 0.5, A is between 0.2 and
0.5, or A is between 0 and 0.2.
To do this the ‘if’ ‘elseif’ and ‘else’ statements are used to separate the fprintf() text strings, so that if the
condition for the relevant conditional statement is true the relevant fprintf() statement is run.
N.B. When using a single condition, as with this example, the ORDER in which the statements are checked by
If the A≥0.2 was placed at the ‘if‘ statement, and the A>0.5 at the ‘elseif’; because the ‘if’ statement covers ALL
values greater than 0.2, MATLAB will never pass into the ‘elseif’ A>0.5 section of code.
Conditional Statements
Example: ‘if’, ’elseif’ and ‘else’, using double conditions. If more precise defining of the conditional
statements is required, the logical operators ‘&&’
and ‘||’ can be used to incorporate multiple
conditions for each section of code.
As with utilising the logical operators with ‘while’
loops, the ‘&&’ relates to the use of scalar ‘AND’
statements and ‘||’ relates to scalar ‘OR’ statements.
If vectors are used ‘&’ and ‘|’ are used.
In this example, for each set of conditional statements, two conditions are set.
- By using multiple conditions, the available outcomes have become more
restricted, and thus the order of these conditionals are less relevant.
In the previous example, fprintf() only printed pre-defined strings.
- Here, the variable ‘A’ is automatically printed to 4 decimal places alongside
some pre-defined strings of text (with the cursor forced to a new line using \n)