COMP9319 Encoding Assignment
Creation date:2024-04-13 16:49:34
Encoding Assignment
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COMP9319 Assignment 1: Entropy
This is a warm-up assignment for you to practise the knowledge that you learned from the
first 2 weeks and to get familiar with the programming tools (e.g., makefile). Your task in
this assignment is to implement a C or C++ program that determines the average number
of bits to encode a given file using static Huffman encoding and LZW as well as its entropy.
The given file can be a text or binary file (e.g., images, videos or executable programs).
When you determine the average number of bits, you assume that the size of the encoded
file should be the minimum size (i.e., do not need to include any overheads such as the size
of any statistic information) and should not consider adding any other encoding / further
optimisation into it.
Your program should be called csize. Your program should accept: 1) an optional
commandline argument -s and a number between 9 and 18 (inclusively) to specify the fixed
width (in bits) of the codes for LZW (where the width determines the number of dictionary
entries available). 2) a path to the given file to be encoded (e.g.,
~/folder1/subfolder2/file2.jpg). If -s is omitted, the default width of 12 bits is assumed.
Your program csize will output 3 numbers, one each line, and nothing else (e.g., do not
output any spaces). These 3 numbers are the Shannon's entropy, the average of bits per
symbol for static Huffman, and the average of bits per symbol for LZW, respectively. Each
number must be round to two decimal places (even if the number is an integer, output 00
for the two decimal places). For example:
%wagner> csize ~/Desktop/test.jpg
In the above example, 2.76 is the entropy; 3.00 and 3.40 are for Huffman and LZW,
Marks will be deducted if you do not follow the output format described above. Your
solution will be compiled and run on a typical CSE Linux machine e.g. grieg. Your solution
should read the input file as read-only (because you might not have write permission to
the file) and should not write out any external files. Any solution that fails to compile on a
CSE Linux machine, fails to read a read-only file, or writes out external files, will receive
zero points for the entire assignment.
Compilation and Usage Example
Since your submission may need to be compiled with specific C or C++ compilation
options, it's part of the assignment that you need to provide a valid makefile to compile
your submitted code. If you have never used make before, you can easily google it
0 1 19 test.txt
cs9319@grieg:~/a1$ csize test.txt
cs9319@grieg:~/a1$ csize -s 10 test.txt
Your solution will be marked based on memory and runtime performance. Your soluton
will not be tested against any files that are larger than 1MB. Any solution that takes more
than 3 seconds (sum of the sys and usr time using the time command, /usr/bin/time) to run
on a given test file on grieg will be killed and you will receive zero points for that auto test.
Runtime memory is assumed to be always less than 16MB. Runtime memory consumption
will be measured by valgrind massif with the option --pages-as-heap=yes, i.e., all the memory
used by your program will be measured. You may find ms_print useful to interpret the
valgrind's output . Any solution
that violates this memory requirement will receive zero points for that test. Again, if you
have questions using valgrind or time to measure your program, please see your tutor in the
consultation sessions.
Documentation and Code Readability
Although the assignment is based on auto marking, your source code may be inspected
and marks may be deducted if your code has poor readability and is very difficult to
1. It is part of the assignment that you are responsible for the correctness of your
program output. For example, you can test your program by starting with some small
files and manually verify the entropy and average bit calculations.
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2. When your program opens the encoded file, make sure it is opened as read-only
mode because you do not need and may not have the write permission to the given
3. If you haven't set your PATH to include your current folder, you may need to specify
./csize instead of just csize to run your program. However, this will not affect how
your program is tested in the testing account (as the current folder will be included in
4. Marks will be deducted for output of any extra text, other than the required, correct
answer (i.e., the number of matches as shown in the examples above). This extra
information includes (but not limited to) debugging messages, line numbers and so
5. You may post to the WebCMS forum for clarification questions. For more specific
questions, please see us in the consultation sessions.
Deadline: Monday 28th June 17:00. The assignment is worth a total of 15 marks and is
auto marked. Late submissions will have marks deducted from the maximum achievable
mark at the rate of 1% of the total mark per hour that they are late (i.e., 24% per day), and
no submissions will be accepted after 3 days late.
Use the give command below to submit the assignment:
give cs9319 a1 *.h *.c makefile
give cs9319 a1 *.h *.cpp makefile
Note that the give command is available on any CSE linux machines (such as wagner) but
not on grieg. You can check your submission status by:
9319 classrun -check a1
The work you submit must be your own work. Submission of work partially or completely
derived from any other person or jointly written with any other person is not permitted.
The penalties for such an offence may include negative marks, automatic failure of the
course and possibly other academic discipline. Assignment submissions will be examined
both automatically and manually for such submissions.
Relevant scholarship authorities will be informed if students holding scholarships are
involved in an incident of plagiarism or other misconduct.
Do not provide or show your assignment work to any other person - apart from the
teaching staff of this subject. If you knowingly provide or show your assignment work to
another person for any reason, and work derived from it is submitted you may be
penalized, even if the work was submitted without your knowledge or consent. This may
apply even if your work is submitted by a third party unknown to you.