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Folio 2 - Tableau Story Sem 1,
ACCT5034 Analysis and Visualisation of Financial Data 1
| P a g e Publication date: February 2021 CRICOS Provider Code: WA 00301J Introduction This Task 3 assessment is an extension of the Case Study which requires you to take your company income statement exploratory data analysis and visualization with R (Task 1) and join the csv file data with Metals & Mining industry financial data cleaned and explored with MS Excel (Task 2) to produce dashboards and a Data Story using Tableau Desktop. Tableau is an incredibly powerful business intelligence tool used by accountants to generate dashboards and stories for relevant business stakeholders; it has native connectedness to most data wharehouses, cloud sources and accounting enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. From an accounting perspective, and because of its outstanding training resources and support , Tableau Desktop and Tableau Public are two important platforms for accountants to know about. Follow this link for important information about Data Stories in Tableau. The School of Accounting advisory board members, both accountants in business and accounting practice, have recommended Tableau as an important tool for graduate accountants to know how to use. High standards of academic integrity are expected and students are referred to the URL link provided in the Exercise assessment guide for an update on Academic Integrity. A Turnitin submission is required for Task 3 as it was for your other submissions, so please be aware of the previous requirements for academic integrity and understand that they apply to this assessment too. Case Information As part of the new graduate accountant team at EY’s, you and your two closest friends, Huizhen and Johno, have a running joke with your line-manager Roseberry Peters, that she has become your IT Guru. The reason? Roseberry has recently been promoted to Managing Partner of Business Services Division after Sherry Poems took a leave of absence to join an EcoTour studying Antarctic Emperor Penguins, followed by an 8 month contract as Station Head at the US McMurdo Station on Ross Island in Antarctica. Part of Roseberry’s new role is to run the graduate training sessions on Friday afternoons which Sherry used to manage. The training goes for three hours from 2-5pm, followed by drinks and snacks in the Perth office staff room. The title of the past few weeks training is : “Tableau Desktop, an agile client- centred business intelligence tool” – she seems to love the challenge and is in the habit of sending several early morning posts to the group’s chat group. This morning was no exception! From Sherry’s early morning missive it seems her presentation to the local Chamber of Commerce, “Global trends in the Metals & Mining industry”, was received so well that the Department of Industries (DOI) is funding her to join a roadshow in Canada, she will travel with AusIndustry, other DOI representative and industry leaders to present a case study of contributing factors for Australian mining operations. This showcase is a particular focus of the DOI to support confidence throughout the Mining Folio 2 - Tableau Story Sem 1, 2021 ACCT5034 Analysis and Visualisation of Financial Data 2 | P a g e Publication date: February 2021 CRICOS Provider Code: WA 00301J and Mining Services companies globally and therefore stabilize Australian operations. Her conference presentation date is in early July, 2021. The following “Requirements” are an extract from one of Roseberry’s emails. She sent this to you after the most recent partners’ meeting. “REQUIREMENTS 1. Stakeholder focus explanation in MS Word My presentation has to showcase an Australia mining company’s performance. You will remember that a month or two back you did some analytics on the comparative income statements of a single Australian mining company that has operations extending back at least 30 years. I want you to use your output from that analysis, both the csv dataset/s and visualisations to build a data story in Tableau. You have also worked more recently on global financial trends with Metals & Mining companies so you have that data source. The Chamber of Commerce roadshow I am joining is visiting Vancouver, Toronto and a few other cities, and they are interested in Australian Mining compared to global trends in the whole industry. I would like you to consider the information needs of three different stakeholder groups of your single Australian mining company you have studied. You need to identify three KEY (“key” meaning critical or important) stakeholders and write one A4 page which describes the accounting information that would be valuable for each stakeholder groups. Value creation is an important concept in stakeholder analysis; try to think of your company’s financial information and what value that stakeholder would place on particular visualizations or analysis. For example, a lender like a bank giving commercial loans might be interested in total liabilities (other debt) and annual dividends (commitment to internal finance). You must describe which accounting information would be decision-useful for each particular stakeholder or group of stakeholders, for inclusion in a Tableau Story. NOTE: If you have limited previous accounting studies your Instructor can help you with this part of the task . Specific help will be given during the Module 3 Workshop where Stakeholder value is covered. 2. Tableau Story Visualisation Use Tableau Desktop to join the data and visualisations from using R with the income statement data of a single Australian mining company with a global Metals & Mining dataset that you have cleaned, analysed and summarised using MS Excel. Note: You must make sure that you have chosen a single stakeholder or stakeholder group of the three you wrote about in the previous Folio 2 - Tableau Story Sem 1, 2021 ACCT5034 Analysis and Visualisation of Financial Data 3 | P a g e Publication date: February 2021 CRICOS Provider Code: WA 00301J section, to focus your data story. Your data story must clearly identify which stakeholder focus you have taken in the title of your story.” Notes from Instructor: 1. An important requirement w hich Roseberry has identif ied for the Data Story is that the story about the data is logical and show s a step-w ise analysis from one Dashboard or Sheet to the next w ithin the story using data that w ill be decision-useful for your stakeholder group (identif ied w hen you w ork in Part 2 above). NOTE: Use text boxes, pictures, plots saved from R, Tableau visualizations, f ilters and comments to create a Tableau Story w ith at least 5 slides. In previous assessments students sometimes become confused about w hat a Data Story is. To help w ith this please click on this link. Review the marking rubric in detail for the marking criteria and expectations for this assessment task. Important about Tableau workflow management Each time you w ork in Tableau Desktop it is a good idea to save it to cloud memory (Curtin OneDrive) or USB memory stick as a .tw bx Tableau Workbook. Make sure you extract the data w ith your saved Tableau w orkbook – it is no more diff icult than using “Save As” w hen you save the tw bx version (tw b, tableau w orkbook; tw bx, w orkbook w ith extracted data). Make sure that changes are saved before closing Tableau Desktop on your computer. Email your w ork to yourself each day is also a handy w ay to create a Cloud copy. Similarly, uploading your Tableau Story to your Tableau Public Profile on the Tableau Server is a great thing to do because it’s another backup of your w ork and the w ay you can share your visualizations ; including; for the assessment stage by your Instructor. Label as follow s: Folio1_[name]_[student ID].tw bx, for example, “Folio1_GregWhite_29284725.tw bx”. 2. When you access your Story in Tableau Desktop and shared it to your Tableau Public profile, it is possible to click on the sharing arrow (at the bottom of the thumbnail view of your Dashboard or Story), and from there you can copy, paste and share the URL for your Story directly (please do not share the ‘embedded URL link’ because that has extra code w hich means it w on’t w ork w hen your Instructor tries to mark your Folio).
3. Copy and paste the Folio 2 Story URL’s to an MS Word document and also post a screen-capture
of each page (Dashboard or Sheet) of your Story so it can be clearly identif ied by your Instructor
that you have done the w ork should there be any problems accessing your online Tableau Public profile.
VERY IMPORTANT: Check that the URL link you have provided for your Data Story in Tableau Public w orks!
That is, make sure that it gives access to your Tableau Public profile w hen you click on it and that your
Tableau Story in your Tableau Public profile is complete and accessible. Your Instructor w ill apply the penalties for
late assessment as indicated in the Unit Outline. TOTAL MARKS 40 END OF FOLIO 2 GUIDE