UL18/0240 Information systems management
Creation date:2024-04-11 17:32:12
Information systems management
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BSc degrees and Diplomas for Graduates in Economics,
Management, Finance and the Social Sciences, the Diplomas in
Economics and Social Sciences
Information systems management
Candidates should answer THREE of the following SIX questions. All
questions carry equal marks.
1. Discuss three e-business critical success factors and briefly discuss the best
managerial approach to address them. Support your answer with relevant
2. Explain why project integration is so important for effective project
management. Justify your answer with examples.
3. Explain the differences between business-level and industry-level strategy.
Are there similarities as well as differences? Support your answer with
4. Explain two reasons why data governance has become increasingly
important and discuss why data governance is especially important for
effective information and communication (ICT) strategic planning.
5. Discuss the main reasons why companies decide to outsource ICT related
activities. What are the major risks of an outsourcing strategy?
6. Discuss the major characteristics of enterprise resource planning (ERP)
systems. Why it is difficult to achieve positive returns from investments in
ERP systems?