Creation date:2024-04-11 16:51:45
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The BicMac data includes economic data on 45 world cities from the period
The Big Mac hamburger is a simple commodity that is virtually identical
throughout the world.
One might expect that the price of a Big Mac should therefore be the same
everywhere, but of course it is not the same.
The Economist magazine has published a Big Mac party index, which com-
pares the costs of a Big Mac in various places, as a measure of inefficiency in
currency exchange.
We will use these data to study how the cost of a Big Mac varies with economic
indicators that describe each city.
Table: The Big Mac Data
Y BigMac Minutes of labor required by an average worker to buy a BigMac and French fries
X1 Bread Minutes of labor required to buy one kilogram of bread
X2 BusFare The lowest cost of a ten-kilometer bus, tram, or subway ticket, in U.S. dollars
X3 EngSal The average annual salary of an electrical engineer, in thousands of U.S. dallars
X4 EngTax The average tax rate paid by engineers
X5 Service Annual cost of 19 services, primarily relevant to Europe and North America
X6 TeachSal The average annual salary of a primary school teacher, in thousands of U.S. dallars
X7 TeachTax The average tax rate paid by primary teachers
X8 VacDays Average days of vacation per year
X9 WorkHrs Average hours worked per year
X10 City Name of city
Build your model to explain the response BigMac using Bread, BusFare, . . . ,
and WorkHrs.