I1 Implementation of random solution initialisation
Creation date:2024-04-11 16:32:08
Implementation of random solution initialisation
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Project Marking Rubric
Implementation Component
Code Description Marks
I1 Implementation of random solution initialisation.
I2 Implementation of an Objective Function which adheres to the
problem description.
I3 Implementation of seven low-level heuristics:
A Adjacent Swap mutation 3
B 2-Opt Swap mutation 3
C Reinsertion mutation 3
D Davis’s Hill Climbing 5
E Next Descent Hill Climbing 5
F Ordered Crossover 8
G Cycle Crossover 8
I4 Use of delta/incremental evaluation for mutation and local
search heuristics (A, B, C, D, E).
2 per
(total 10)
I5 Implementation of an instance reader/loader. 10
I6 Appropriate use of the Solution and SolutionRepresentation
classes including implementation of deep cloning.
I7 Implementation of your own hyper-heuristic for solving the
SDSSTP problem.
Online Demonstration of Project
Code Description Marks
D1 Demonstration of their code running a given hyper-heuristic. 5
D2 Explanation of how one of your low-level heuristics works. 5
D3 Explanation of your hyper-heuristic. 5