CS2435 - Graphics Programming Course Project
Creation date:2024-04-10 18:01:59
Graphics Programming Course Project
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CS2435 - Graphics Programming Course Project
By using all the materials you have learned from the course, create a mini 3D game controlled
by keyboard/mouse. OBJ models and object collisions are expected inside this project. The
content is up to your imagination!
This is an individual project and you are required to give a 2 minutes demonstration and
presentation of your game. The full mark is 60. The requirements are listed below:
For each of the following five 10-mark feature:
• 0-3 : Missing or failed implementation
• 4-6 : Buggy or major missing part of implementation
• 7-9 : Good Implementation with minor bugs
• 10 : Perfect implementation with efficient coding
1. Overall Scene and Model - 10 marks
Source different obj models to form a coherence scene to become your own game.
Please avoid using the models provided in the course exercise. And also avoid very
high-polygon models. Prefer low-polygon.
2. Object Movement - 10 marks
Any complex or time-varying transformations to make your game objects animated
and self-moving. Any physics calculation in the game to make the motion like in the
3. Collision Detection - 10 marks
The collision detection between objects should be appropriate. The interaction
between objects should be correct.
4. A Game Goal - 10 marks
A single goal for the player to complete. Lead to game over if the player fails the goal
5. Use of Font and Information Display - 10 marks
To display the information to the player. Like scores, HP, and remaining items in 2D
icons. Use of Font and SpriteBatch.
6. Project Video Presentation - 10 marks
Demo your project in video with voiceover. Show every feature of your game within
2 minutes (< 512M).
• 0-3 : Missing or failed presentation
• 4-6 : Moderately explaining the implementation
• 7-9 : Good and clear explanation of the implementation and skills
• 10 : Perfect and clear explanation of the implementation and skills involved