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JUNE 2007 MATH3911 Page 2
1. [28 marks] Let X = (Xl, X 2, .. . ,Xn) (n 2: 2) be LLd. random variables
having Poisson distribution with density f(x, A) = e-:/x, x = 0,1,2, ...
a) Show that the product of indicators I{xl=o}(X)·I{xFo}(X) is an unbiased
estimator of the parameter T(A) = e-2A .
b) Given that T = L Xi is complete and minimal sufficient for A, derive
the UMVUE of T(A) = e-2A . (Hint: you may use part (a)).
c) Does the variance of the UMVUE in b) attain the Cramer-Rao bound
for the minimal variance of an unbiased estimator of T(A) = e-2A? Give
reasons for your answer.
d) Suppose now that for the same sample, the parameter of interest is h(A) =
~. Find the MLE of ~, state its asymptotic distribution and, using
this result, suggest a confidence interval for A that asymptotically has
a level 1 - Cl:. Explain why h(A) = ~ is called "variance stabilising
transformation" and why such a transformation it useful.
Hint: For any smooth function h(A) :
/Ti(h().,mle) - h(AO)) ~ N(O, (~~ (Ao))2 I-I (AO)),
8 82
I(A) = E{ 8A [lnf(x, A)]}2 = E{ - 8A2 [lnf(x, A)]}.
e) Let n = 6. Find the uniformly most powerful test of size Cl: = 0.1 for
testing Ho : A ::::: 0.25 against HI : A > 0.25. Justify your answer.
2. [24 marks]
a) A photocopier company kept records of the number of breakdowns per
year for 100 photocopiers, giving the results
Number of breakdowns 0 1 2 3 > 4
Frequency 8 20 37 24 11
Test at the 5% level that the above data comes from a Poisson (A = 2)
b) Two companies manufacture white board pens. A sample of 10 pens from
one company and 8 pens from the other were tested until they were no
longer readable. The results (in hours) were:
Company 1 8.9 9.9 12 7.4 6.6 8.4 7.6 10.9 11.7 10.2
Company 2 9.1 13.3 8.2 11.1 10 11.6 10.5 8.7
Using the Wilcoxon Test for large samples, test at the 5% level the hy-
pothesis that there is no difference between the two company's pens.
c) The following table represents data on cortisol level of women in three
different groups: Group 1 delivered their babies by Caesarean section
Please see over ...
JUNE 2007 MATH3911 Page 3
Group 1 262 307 211 323 454 339 304 154 287 356
Group 2 465 501 455 355 468 362
Group 3 343 772 207 1048 838 687
before the onset of labor, Group 2 delivered by emergency Caesarean
during induced labor and group 3 experienced spontaneous labor.
Use the Kruskal-Wallis test at level 0.05 to test for equality of the average
cortisol level in the three groups.
3. [23 marks] Let X = (Xl, X 2 , .. . ,Xn ) be a sample of size n from a distribution
with density
f(x;O) = [~03/X4, x;::: 0> 0
.. . ., l u elsewhere
a) Prove that the density of X has a monotone likelihood ratio in X(1).
b) Find the cumulative distribution function of Z = X(1). Show that the
density is .
Jz(z;O) = {;::!:~ ,Z;::: 0> 0
o elsewhere
c) Find the uniformly most powerful a-size test rp* of Ho : 0 ::; 2 versus
H l : e> 2 and sketch a graph of Erp* as precisely as possible.
4. [28 marks] In a Bayesian framework, the probability of a defect eE (0,1) of
a certain piece of a machine's output appears to be varying on various days
and can be represented as a random variable with prior density
T(O) = 12e2 (1 - e), e E (0,1).
X. = { 1 if the piece is defective
t 0 if the piece is nondefective
Hence !(Xle) = e'£~=l Xi (1 _ e) n-'£~1 Xi.
On a certain day, n = 16 observations denoted X = (Xl, X 2 ,· .• ,X16 ) are
made where
a) Find the formula for the Bayesian estimator (with respect to quadratic
loss) of the probability e and calculate its estimated value if from the 16
pieces examined on this day, exactly three were defective.
Hint: You may use: B(a, {3) = J~ xa- l (1 - x)f3- l dx, B(a, {3) = ri~~~),
[(a) = Jooo exp( -x)xa-ldx, f(a + 1) = af(a).
b) Find the Bayesian estimator (with respect to quadratic loss ) of the pa-
rameter T/(e) = e(1- e).
c) Using the data of part (a) (3 defective out of 16 tested), test the hypoth-
esis Ho : e ::; 0.25 against H l : e> 0.25 using the Bayesian approach and
a 0-1 loss. Do you accept Ho?
(You may use: Jg.25 e5(1 - e)14de = 0.00000164).
Please see over ...
JUNE 2007 MATH3911 Page 4
5. [22 marks] Let X = (Xl, X 2 , . .. ,Xn ) be i.i.d., each with uniform [0,8) density
(8) 0).
a) Find COV(X(n_l), X(n)).
b) Find the density of the range R = X(n) - X(1). Using it, or otherwise,
show that ER = ~~~ 8 holds.
Some useful formulae
1) Wilcoxon: Two independent samples Xl, X 2,· . . , X m and Y1 , Y2, ... ,Yn ,
W = ,,~ R(X). Then W m +n -m(m+n+l)/2 has approximately a stan-
m+n L..~_l ~ y'mn(m+n+l)/12
dard normal distrihution.
2) The Kruskal-Wallis statistic for a K sample problem:
12 K _ n + 1 2 12 K RT.
H = L ni(Ri. - -) = L - - 3(n + 1)
n(n + 1) i=l 2 n(n + 1) i=l ni
has Xk-l as a limiting distribution under the null hypothesis.
3) The rth order statistic (r = 1,2,. " ,n) of the sample of size n from a
distribution with a density !X(.) and a cdf Fx (.) :
The joint density of the pair (X(i)' X(j)), 1 :S i < j :S n is:
!x(i),x(j) (x, y) =
(i - l)!(j - ~!_ i)!(n _ j)! !X (x)!x (y)[Fx (xW-1 [Fx (y)-Fx (x)jJ-I-i[l-Fx (y)]n- j
for x < y.
4) Bayesian inference:
h(8IX) = !(~~i~(8), g(X) = le !(XI8)T(8)d8.