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Goals and objectives (10%) Research (user research, ideation and prioritisation) (30%) Content (30%) Creativity (25%) Presentation & Language (5%) 70- 100% - Excellent understanding of the project brief. - Executive summary explains the undertaken work and deliverables. - Competently delivers project and competitor assessment
- Demonstrates proficient mastery through superior analysis and rationale. - Expertly draws from primary and secondary research findings. - Appropriate and logical approach to ideation and prioritisation. - Excellent rationale behind the proposed changes/recommendations. - Your UX report contains all of the recommended elements (sections) - The amount of detail provided in each section shows a very advanced ability to integrate the full range of principles and theories in relation to UX research and design.
- The idea and execution of the proposed changes (prototype, wireframes) are exceptionally engaging, imaginative, original and on strategy. - The report is well organised and coherent, with no discernible typographical or grammatical errors. - It is evident that care has been taken to present material in a clear, and neat, manner. - The ability to demonstrate a coherent line of thinking is clear. - This report is very well referenced providing references where needed and in a full, accurate and complete manner. 60- 69%
- Good understanding of the project brief. - Executive summary explains the undertaken work and deliverables. Some elements of the summary could be more on target. - Competently delivers project and competitor assessment. Assessment could be more on target.
- Demonstrates competence through good analysis and rationale. - Competently draws from primary and secondary research findings. - The report could benefit from stronger rationale behind various decisions (ideation, prioritisation, persona requirements, etc.). - The rationale behind the proposed changes/recommendations could be strengthened. - Your UX report contains most of the recommended elements (sections) - The amount of detail provided in each section shows a good ability to integrate a range of principles and theories in relation to UX research and design.
- The idea and execution of the proposed changes (prototype, wireframes) are engaging and on strategy. - There are occasional typographical or grammatical errors. - There are occasional lapses in coherence. - This report is mainly well referenced. In most cases it provides references where needed and in a full, accurate and complete manner. 50- 59% - Some understanding of the project brief. - Executive summary explains some of the undertaken work and deliverables. However, the summary could be more on target. - Assessment could be more on target.
- Demonstrates some competence in relation to analysis and rationale. - Draws from some primary and secondary research findings. However, the presented research lacks rigour and some deliverables. - The report needs stronger rationale behind various decisions (ideation, prioritisation, persona requirements, etc.). - The rationale behind the proposed changes/recommendations is relatively weak. - Your UX report contains some of the recommended elements (sections) - The amount of detail provided in each section shows some ability to integrate a range of principles and theories in relation to UX research and design.
- The idea and execution of the proposed changes (prototype, wireframes) could be more engaging and more on strategy. - Lapses in style - slight inaccuracies in spelling and syntax. - Lapses in coherence. - This report is mostly adequately referenced. However, this element needs improvement. It may be that some references are missing or are inaccurate or not complete. 40- 49% - Limited understanding of the project brief. - Executive summary should be more on target. - Assessment should be more on target. - Demonstrates low competence in relation to analysis and rationale. - The presentation could benefit from much stronger rationale behind various decisions (ideation, - Your UX report does not follow the recommended structure and is difficult to follow - The content of each section shows low ability to integrate - The idea and execution of the proposed changes (prototype, wireframes) are somehow - Lapses in style, many inaccuracies in spelling and syntax. - Lapses in coherence. - This report is inadequately referenced. This element needs
prioritisation, persona requirements, etc.). - The rationale behind the proposed changes/recommendations is weak. a range of principles and theories in relation to UX research and design. engaging but not on strategy serious improvement. It may be that some references are missing or are inaccurate or not complete. Fail - Presentation demonstrates a struggle to engage fully with the task and there is a resultant lack of focus/clarity. - The proposed solutions are not illustrated or clarified with specific examples or detail. - The author appears to have struggled at times to understand the task. - Report does not build on primary and secondary research. - Very limited consideration for justification of the proposed solution
- You did not follow the recommended structure for your report. - Insufficient engagement with the module and its content - The idea and execution of the proposed changes (prototype, wireframes) are not engaging and are not on strategy - Errors in punctuation, grammar, style and coherence which frequently pose a challenge to the audience. -There were no references and / or the incorrect citation and referencing technique has been used.