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Assignment 3 ISLR text book problems Chapter 8: 3, 4. Coding problem Implement adaboost. You can only use the r package rpart or DecisionTreeRegressor in python to grow trees at each iteration. Train the model using the data_train.txt and test with data_test.txt with following parameters: Use 20 as the minimum number of observations that must exist in a node in order for a split to be attempted. minsplit=20 in rpart function or min_samples_split=20 in DecisionTreeRegressor. Use 10 as the minimum number of observations in any terminal leaf node. minbucket=10 in rpart function or min_samples_leaf=10 in DecisionTreeRegressor Try tree depth=1 (stump) and 2 (split twice). This can be achieved by specifying maxdepth in rpart and max_depth in DecisionTreeRegressor. Use 1000 iterations (i.e., grow 1000 trees). Plot the misclassification rate against the iterations in the test data. The example code is given in the following. The core adaboost function in the example has been removed. You should implement by yourself. 0.196 0.162 In [1]: niter <- 1000 # number of trees to grow in adaboost
# read training data data_train <- read.table("/Users/cmx/Documents/courses/HKUST/TA-Machine-Learning/spring_2021/hw3_co y <- data_train$y x <- data.matrix(data_train[,-1])
# read testing data data_test <- read.table("/Users/cmx/Documents/courses/HKUST/TA-Machine-Learning/spring_2021/hw3_cod hold.out.y <- data_test$y hold.out.x <- data.matrix(data_test[,-1]) In [3]: # fit adaboost with treedepth 1. fit_adaboost1 <- adaboost(x,y,hold.out.x,m = niter,treedepth = 1) # You should implement this 'ada yh_adaboost1 <- predict(fit_adaboost1,hold.out.x) plot(colMeans(yh_adaboost1$prediction!=hold.out.y),type="l",xlab = "Iterations (trees)",ylab="Miscl # misclassification rate of the final model mean(yh_adaboost1$prediction[,niter]!=hold.out.y) # misclassification rate of the best model min(colMeans(yh_adaboost1$prediction!=hold.out.y)) 4/22/2021 HW3 file:///C:/Users/karen/Downloads/HW3.html 2/3 0.174 0.162 In [4]: # fit adaboost with treedepth 2. fit_adaboost2 <- adaboost(x,y,hold.out.x,m = niter,treedepth = 2) # You should implement this 'adab yh_adaboost2 <- predict(fit_adaboost2,hold.out.x) plot(colMeans(yh_adaboost2$prediction!=hold.out.y),type="l",xlab = "Iterations (trees)",ylab="Miscl # misclassification rate of the final model mean(yh_adaboost2$prediction[,niter]!=hold.out.y) # misclassification rate of the best model min(colMeans(yh_adaboost2$prediction!=hold.out.y)) 4/22/2021 HW3 file:///C:/Users/karen/Downloads/HW3.html 3/3 In [ ]: