INFS4205/7205 – Advanced Techniques for High Dimensional Data
Creation date:2024-04-09 15:11:41
Advanced Techniques for High Dimensional Data
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School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
INFS4205/7205 – Advanced Techniques for High Dimensional Data
Assignment 1 [Total: 20 marks]
UQ Blackboard online submission only.
Consider three types of data in Queensland: one is about flora and fauna sightings which record the
time and location (i.e., point) for a sighting of some species, one is about the areas of all defined
wetlands (as polygons), and another is about the defined areas (as polygons) for state and national
forest parks. A point is recorded using latitude and longitude, and a polygon is defined as a closed
sequence of points.
Question 1 [5 marks] Design a database for these three types of data. You may choose to use spatial
data types such as POINT, LINE and POLYGON. The tables you design should support at least
the queries in Question 2 below. Use SQL create-table statements to present your design [You can
document any your design assumptions if necessary].
Question 2 [5 marks] Write three queries in an SQL-like query language,
(1) [1 marks] to find the number of sightings of legless lizards in Pine Ridge Conservation
(2) [2 marks] to find all wetlands inside a state or national forest park.
(3) [2 marks] to find all sightings of platypus and the distance to the closest wetlands (set the
distance to 0 if the sighting is inside a wetland).
[Please define any non-standard SQL operations, relationships and functions you choose to use
in a query.]
Question 3 [10 marks] Design a step-by-step query execution plan, aiming to minimize the data
to be fetched from the database and the number of spatial operations to be performed.
(1) [3 marks] to process the query you give in Question 2.1 using Quad-tree indexes.
(2) [3 marks] to process the query you give in Question 2.2 using R-tree indexes.
(3) [4 marks] to process the query you give in Question 2.3 using R-tree indexes.
[All data structures including spatial indexes used in the execution plan need to be clearly
described. Execution plan description can be in either plain English, or some kind of pseudo code,
and the description must be clear and concise. You can make use of non-spatial indexes too if it is
beneficial. Pleases explain how the cost of data access can be reduced by using spatial indexes and
your execution plan.]