CSIT214 Project Management Tool Evaluation
Creation date:2024-04-08 16:55:51
Project Management Tool Evaluation
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CSIT214 Marking Rubric for Assignment 1: Project Management Tool Evaluation
Below expectations Meeting expectations Exceeding expectations
Clarity of expression The connection between ideas is not
always clear.
Key ideas mostly expressed with clarity,
more connectedness between ideas
Writing conveys the ideas clarity.
Process of learning
the two tools
Two tools not identified.
Little if any discussion of the learning
Two tools identified, and the process of
learning both has been described
Two tools identified, process of learning
has been described and documented
with screenshots and other relevant
Comparison of tools Similarities and differences of both tools
not demonstrated or little reference to
project management processes.
Similarities and differences of both tools
demonstrated with regard to project
management processes.
Similarities and differences of both tools
demonstrated with regard to project
management processes. Specific links to
Project Management theories or
reference materials
Evaluation of the tool
adoption and features
Evaluation is quite superficial An effort has been made to evaluate
the tool features.
Evidenced by good use of the source
materials, while providing critical
evaluation of the evidence presented.
Flow Lack of supporting materials, or need to
do more proof-reading.
You have mostly been able to connect
most ideas throughout your answers.
Assignment is logically sequenced
resulting in professional report.
Length The length of your answer is
The length of your assignment is fine NIL
Referencing Referencing is inadequate. Referencing is mainly accurate, but has
some issues with completeness.
Referencing is accurate and complete. It
adheres to requirements.