CIV 5899 Infrastructure Information Management
Creation date:2024-04-08 16:12:23
Infrastructure Information Management
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CIV 5899 Infrastructure Information Management
Project 2: BIM Applications – Modelling and Coordination
25th April at 23:55 pm (Melbourne time)
At the end of this project, you will produce the following files in the required name and format:
• A Revit file of your building. You must name & save the file as “Student ID_building.rvt” (Task 1.1)
• 7 sheets for the required views. You must save the files in PDF and name them properly (Task 1.2)
• A Navisworks file with the project schedule. You must name and save the file as “Student
ID_navisowrks.nwd” (Task 1.3)
• A 4D simulation video. You must name & save the file as “Student ID_4Dsimulation.avi” (Task 1.3)
• A walk-through animation video of your building design. You must name and save the file as “Student
ID_walkthrough.avi” (Task 1.4)
• Two clash detection reports for test 1 and 2. You must name and save the files as “Student ID_test1.html”
and “Student ID_test2.html” (Task 2)
Compress all files in .zip and name it as “”. Submit your files to the “Project 2 Dropbox”
on Moodle. For late submissions, marks will be deducted at a rate of 10% each day that the submission is late.
In this project, you will demonstrate your skills and knowledge in using BIM applications covered in this Unit in
the design, coordination, and visualisation of a building project. You must use Revit 2020 and Navisworks Manage
2020 for this project. This project comprises two parts as below.
Project Part 1:
You are required to design and model a three-storey dormitory building using Revit, and visualise the construction
process using Navisworks. Project Part 1 comprises four tasks.
Task 1.1: Design and Modelling (40%)
You will create an architectural model of a dormitory building in Revit. Your design must follow and satisfy the
planning, design and modelling requirements as below:
Planning requirement
• The building should have a height of less than 10 m and a footprint between 150 to 200 sqm
• The building should have three storeys
• The total construction duration of the project is 6 months
Design requirement
• The dormitory should comprise of ten bedrooms with an identical floor area
• Each bedroom should have a double bed, a desk, a chair and a storage furniture
• There should be one shared bathroom per two bedrooms
• Each bathroom should be equipped with a shower, a toilet and a sink
• The dormitory should have stairs at each level but no lifts/elevators required
• The corridor should have a minimum width of 2.3 m
• Each level should have a common area with couches and a coffee table for social interaction
• Floorplans of the ground level & level 1 should be identical, while level 2 should have a balcony
Modelling requirement
• The model should include a slab foundation
• The model should include columns that are located on an appropriate set of grids
• Columns and walls should be modelled for each level separately
• Use appropriate families and types for exterior/interior walls and front/internal doors
• Use constraints to apply locked dimensions and alignments, and attach elements (e.g., walls and roofs)
Task 1.2: Design Publishing (10%)
Based on the models you developed in the previous task, create individual sheets for the following views:
• Plan views of the ground level, level 1 and level 2 (3 sheets)
• Elevation views from north, south, east, and west (4 sheets)
Task 1.3: Visualisation of Construction Process (20%)
You will perform a 4D simulation of the construction process for your building with Navisworks 2020. After
appending your Revit model in your Navisworks project, create the timeline with the given construction sequence
as shown in the Gantt chart below. You will assign corresponding model objects to the tasks on the timeline to
produce a 4D simulation video showing the complete construction sequence. The video must include animations
created with multiple pre-defined viewpoints.
Task 1.4: Video Presentation (10%)
You are expected to produce a short video in Navisworks to present the design and construction of your project.
The video presentation should at least include a virtual walk-through of your building. In the video, you should
elaborate on the spatial and functional considerations in your design and demonstrate how your design and
construction plan satisfies the requirements. You can use voice over or caption for this using PPT “Record slide
show” or other video editing programs. The video presentation should not exceed 5 minutes.
Project Part 2:
In the second part of this project, you will perform model coordination tasks for a building project using
Navisworks. The architect and the MEP engineer in your team have developed an architecture model and a
corresponding mechanical system for a building project. As the BIM coordinator, you are required to identify and
report the clashes between the architecture model (Architectual_CIV5899.nwc) and the mechanical model
Task 2: Clash Detection (20%)
Download “Project 2” from Moodle and append the two .nwc files included to a new Navisworks project.
• Create a clash detection test “Architecture to Mechanical test 1” to find clashes between these two models.
In the test setting, choose the appropriate “Ignore Clashes Between” rule (choose only one out of four) and
set the collision type as Clearance with 0.100 meter tolerance. Generate a report of all the contents in an
HTML format and name it as “Student ID_test1.html”.
• Create a new test “Architecture to Mechanical test 2” and select the same “Ignore Clashes Between” rule. In
this test, select collision type as Hard with 0.001meter tolerance. Generate a report of all the contents in an
HTML format and name it as “Student ID_test2.html”.
This project will be marked using the following marking scheme:
Grade Mark Descriptions
HD+ 18-20
All tasks are correctly completed strictly following the requirements. All submission files are
correctly created following the submission requirements.
HD 16-18
Complete all tasks with some minor mistakes (e.g., incorrect rules in clash detection), missing
some elements (e.g., miss columns in the building model, miss tasks in the timeline, miss clashes
in clash detection), or failing to follow the submission requirements.
D 14-16
Complete all tasks with one major mistake (e.g., fail to satisfy project/design/modelling
requirements, fail to elaborate your design intent in the walk-through video, fail to animate the 4D
simulation video with viewpoints).
C 12-14 Complete all tasks with more than one major mistake.
P 10-12 Fail to complete all tasks.
F 0-10 Fail to completed half of the tasks.