Economic Development Econ 4331W
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Economic Development Econ
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Economic Development Econ 4331W
Writing Assignment: Final Draft
Acceptable Grade Total
Introduction: The student introduces the research question, ex-
plained why it is interesting, and provided an overview of how the
project will address the question.
Lit Review: The student reviewed the literature on their topic,
identifying at least one or two papers which are relevant to the
question, and described their key results.
Data Section: The data section adequately describes the data
sources used in the paper to answer the research question. This
section includes at least one descriptive statistics table that in-
cludes, at minimum, any variables used in estimation and whose
format is readable and professionally dignified.
Model: The model section includes a clear description of the stu-
dent’s theory of how the underlying mechanisms work, discussing
cause and effect, and showing an awareness of important sources
of endogeneity.
Estimation: The estimation section adequately describes the esti-
mation methods used in the paper to answer the research question.
Results Content: The results section presents and interprets data
analysis relevant to the research question.
Results Soundness: The analysis and interpretation in the re-
sults section are free from major errors. Statements of interpre-
tation show an awareness of potential sources of endogeneity and
other limitations of the analysis. The paper draws reasonable con-
clusions from the evidence.
Results Output Tables: The data section includes at least one
regression output table that summarizes key output from the esti-
mation and whose format is readable and professionally dignified.
Formatting: The student’s proposal complies with the formatting
Overall Style and Structure: The paper is reasonably well
structured, well-organized, places an appropriate weight on the
different sections, and is generally free of major gramatical errors.
The reader finds it easy to understand what analysis has been done
and what the results were. The student avoids verbose expansion
on irrelevant or tangential subjects.
Spring 2021 Economic Development Econ 4331W
Good and Excellent Grade Total
Introduction Content: The student provides a compelling case
for their topic, and explains persuasively why their research ques-
tion is interesting.
Style And Structure: The paper is clear and well written, con-
veying the student’s ideas with ease.
Lit Review: The literature review is clear and reasonably com-
prehensive, summarizing the key literature relevant to the research
Data: The data section clearly and compellingly describes inter-
esting or important features of the data which make it well suited
to analyzing their research question.
Model: The student shows a thoughtful and well-informed theo-
retical understanding of issues relevant to the research question.
Estimation: The proposed analysis is well-explained, clear, and
well justified. In other words, the description of the analysis plan
makes a good case for why it is a reasonable way to analyze the
Results Depth of Analysis: The analysis shows some engage-
ment and sophistication, demonstrating a substantial effort to un-
derstand the topic and to design analysis that address puzzles and
challenges in the data.
Results Thoughtful Interpretation: The interpretation dis-
plays excellent judgment and critical thinking, explaining what has
been learned, and evaluating both the significance and limitations
of the analysis.
Overall Grade Total
Grade 100