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(FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS) The test will be delivered online and will be accessible via your BFC5916 Moodle site You will need to use an electronic device of this purpose. The test will be set in Moodle in a multiple- choice format and yes/no format. You will be given further details about how to access the test in Moodle at a date closer to the test’s date. This semester test contributes towards 20% of your final grade. The test can only be undertaken during the designated time above. Failure to undertake this scheduled semester test at this scheduled time will result in you receiving a grade of 0 for this assessment component.
How long is the BFC5916 Semester Test (ST)? TEST DURATION: 60 minutes (inclusive of reading time).
How do I access the BFC5916 Semester Test (ST)? You may access the Moodle Quiz in the Folder on the BFC5916 Moodle site labelled .
What do I do if I am overseas and the time zone I am in means I would prefer to be sleeping than sitting a semester test? If the centrally organised semester test is scheduled between 10pm and 6am in the time zone in which you reside then you need to contact the Chief Examiner to make alternative arrangements.
What if I encounter technical issues throughout sitting the BFC5916 ST Moodle quiz?
What should I have ready before I log in for the test? Before you log in, have blank paper, pen and/or two/three lead pencils and an eraser, as well as your calculator ready. You will only have 60 minutes to complete this test. Is the BFC5916 Semester Test open book? Yes, the BFC5916 is open book. Because this is an open book test some of the questions have been designed in more critical and analytical ways in order to encourage high-order thinking skills.
What is the structure of the BFC5916 ST? The test will consist of 40 Multiple Choice (option A-E). You must answer all questions. What do I need to study? The ST covers lecture and tutorial materials from week 1 to week 5.
Lecture Notes and all illustrations provided throughout the semester; Tutorial Questions/Solutions; Relevant Chapters in the textbook and additional assigned readings;
Is a formula sheet available for the BFC5916 ST? No. There are no questions in test requiring any mathematical formula.
Will I be provided with practice test prior to the test? A practice semester test will be provided to you a week prior.
What calculator should I use for the BFC5916 ST? Any calculator. Is there a hurdle requirement for BFC5916 ST? No! The ST has been prepared as a formative piece of assessment. The purpose of the test is to let you know at an early stage in the unit how you are progressing. The intent of the ST is to identify what you know and more importantly what you do not know, so that you can address the latter specifically before the final exam. What if I am sick on the day of the ST?
Please note that special consideration may be granted but is not guaranteed. Take careful note of the specific grounds upon which special consideration may be granted. What if I have a clash between the BFC5916 ST and another unit? If your timetabled test (please refer to Exam timetable tile via my.monash portal) clashes with a lecture or seminar in another unit then you will be required to view the recording for that lecture or seminar via learning capture. If you have a clash with a different class activity, please contact the unit coordinator of the affected class to make an alternative arrangement. Neither of the above circumstances will constitute reasonable grounds for special consideration. Your ST takes precedence over other activities during this designated ST period. What if I have work commitments that clash with BFC5916 ST? Outside work commitments are not sufficient grounds for special consideration. If you do have outside work commitments, you will be required to make arrangements as early as possible so you can attend your timetabled semester test, as you would have been given early notice of this scheduled ST time.
There are many different circumstances, which may give rise to a special consideration application. Such as: short-term serious medical condition. This includes hospital admission, serious injury, severe asthma and severe anxiety or depression. loss or bereavement (for example, death of a close family member). family relationship breakdown. hardship or trauma. This may include: victims of crime; sudden loss of income or employment; or severe disruption to domestic arrangements. obligations to military, jury or emergency services (such as the Country Fire Authority). for students registered with the Elite Student Performer Scheme for student athletes, artists, performers participating in a key event and for students competing in key academic events and programs representing the University. for student carers, where acute illness or other exceptional cause affects the person for whom they care and impacts on the student’s ability to prepare for or perform the assessment. I bring to you attention that special consideration will not be granted for: Managing workload from other units of study; Managing work commitments; Managing activities arising from voluntary representation as a member of a club or society; Misreading the examination timetable; or Information and communications technology-related problems, except where they could not have been prevented, avoided or the effects minimised by reasonable diligence by students. When do I get my grade? The ST is being electronically graded. You will receive your grade (out of 100) immediately upon completing the test. Feedback will be provided to you via a Moodle announcement in teaching week 9 (Week commencing Monday May 18th).
What feedback will I receive? IMPORTANT: The semester test will be reviewed in teaching week 9. It is absolutely imperative that you attend this session during that week. Tutors will be working through the ST Moodle quiz solutions.