389COM-Open Source Development Assessment Criteria
Creation date:2024-04-07 16:22:15
Source Development Assessment Criteria
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389COM-Open Source Development Assessment Criteria
Marking Criteria
CW1- Open Source Licenses Essay 40%
CW2- Open Source Development 60%
CW1 and
Identify and understand the impacts of software licensing with focus on open source licensing. Identify and critically analyse open source software and extend the software using appropriate
software configuration and development tools.
CW1 covers the following intended learning outcomes ILO2 and CW2 covers (ILOS 1, 3 and 4 )of CU 389COM individual open source project:
ILO1- Use a range of common tools for assisting with team software development.
ILO2 - Demonstrate systematic understanding of the licencing, legal issues, commonly held views regarding open-source, proprietary and other modes of software development and
ILO3 - Contribute to open-source projects at various stages of development, in a number of roles.
ILO4 - Critically evaluate the issues of developing portable, multilingual software.
Assessment Criteria – Coursework 1(Essay) – 40%
Description of Licenses Chosen 24%
Legal / Ethical Aspects of Licensing 20%
Combination of Licenses / Relevance to
projects with combined licensing - 26%
Future codebase, examples of usage of license
and conclusion 30%
FAIL (0-29) No explanation of licenses chosen
No explanation of Legal or Ethical aspects
No explanation of combined licenses or
examples discussed
No conclusion or discussion to impact on future
Narrow Fail
Identifies some licenses
Identifies legal OR ethical aspects
Identifies some combined licenses
Brief conclusion or little discussion on impact on
future codebase
Pass (40-49)
Identifies and briefly discusses
aspects of licenses.
Identifies and briefly discusses legal and ethical
Identifies and briefly discusses combined
Brief conclusion and little discussion on impact on
future codebase
Most major aspects of licenses are
Some major implications of legal and ethical
aspects identified and adequately discussed.
Some combined licenses discussed with
relevant examples.
Adequate conclusion and some discussion on
impact on future codebase
Very Good
All major aspects of licenses are
All major implications of legal and ethical
aspects are identified and adequately
All major aspects of combined licensing
discussed with some relevant examples
Firm conclusion and some discussion on impact on
future codebase
Excellent (70-
Aspects of licenses are well defined
discussed and justified.
Aspects of implications of legal and ethical are
well defined discussed and justified.
Aspects of combined licensing are well
defined discussed and justified with ample
relevant examples
Firm conclusion with justification and ample
discussion on impact on future codebase
Aspects of all licenses are well
defined, discussed and justified with
diagrams or illustrations.
All aspects of all legal and ethical implications
are well defined, discussed and justified with
diagrams or illustrations.
Aspects of all combined licensing are well
defined, discussed and justified with
diagrams or illustrations with ample
relevant examples
Firm conclusion with justification and ample
discussion on impact on future codebase and
Assessment Criteria – Coursework 2(Open Source Development) – 60%
Description of Chosen Open Source
Software. Registering interest with a
community - 15%
Familiarisation of Open Source Software
Chosen and choose a SE methodology - 9%
Contribute to open-source projects and
Bug Fixing- 32%
Critically evaluate the issues of developing
portable, multilingual software 4%
FAIL (0-29)
No description of Chosen Open
Source Software or Registration of
Interest in a OS community
No software critique or SE methodology
No contribution to open source project and
no bug fix.
No discussion on portable or multilingual issues
Narrow Fail
Brief description of Chosen Open
Source Software. No registration of
Interest in a OS community
Brief discussion on software source code and
SE methodology
Some discussion on features to be extended
to chosen open source software
Brief discussion on portable or multilingual issues
Pass (40-49)
Brief description of Chosen Open
Source Software with architecture
overview. Registration of Interest in a
OS community shown
Brief discussion on software source code and
brief description on selection of appropriate SE
Some discussion on features to be extended
to chosen open source software and a bug
fix to be identified
Brief discussion on impact on portable and
multilingual issues
Description of Chosen Open Source
Software with some architecture
overview. Registration of Interest in a
OS community shown
Some discussion on software source code and
description selection of appropriate SE
Some discussion on features to be extended
to chosen open source software with
implementation of a feature and a bug fix to
be identified
Adequate discussion on impact on portable and
multilingual issues
Very Good
Adequate description of Chosen Open
Source Software with some
architecture overview. Registration of
Interest in a OS community shown
Adequate discussion on software source code
and description selection of appropriate SE
Adequate discussion on features to be
extended to chosen open source software
with implementation of 2 features and a
bug fix to be identified
Adequate discussion on impact on portable and
multilingual issues with some relevant examples
Excellent (70-
Adequate description of Chosen Open
Source Software with good
architecture overview. Registration of
Interest in a OS community shown
In depth discussion on software source code
and description selection of appropriate SE
methodology with relevant examples
Adequate discussion on features to be
extended to chosen open source software
with implementation of 3 features and a
bug fix to be implemented
Adequate discussion on impact on portable and
multilingual issues with some relevant examples
and references