Analysis and Visualisation of Financial Data
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ACCT5034 Analysis and Visualisation of Financial Data
At the end of Week 6 this semester you will have learned how to clean, organise and visualize
data using R; specifically using the RStudio IDE (integrated development environment. You
should now understand the value of understanding the characteristics of your data, cleaning
your data and asking many different questions about your data when conducting exploratory
data analysis (EDA).
In this assessment you will apply your knowledge to tidying a financial dataset, creating new
financial data (variables), EDA and novel visualisations using a package called ggplot2, that
are not possible in Excel or Tableau.
On completion and submission of this assessment it is expected that you will have
demonstrated the following outcomes:
1. Understanding of using R in the RStudio IDE and data management best practice with
an R Project.
2. Write code in an R Script file, using R packages and functions for EDA of a dataset,
including learning the characteristics of your data and using statistical packages to
summarising your data. Filtering, selecting, arranging, summarising and grouping data
to create new datasets.
3. Creating financial data visualizations using RBase, Tidyverse ggplot2 and related
extension packages for ggplot2.
Please note that this assessment is 20% of your final mark and the due date is
communicated at the end of the Unit Outline, in the “Program” section.
Academic Integrity
All assessments in this Unit must be submitted online at the Unit’s Blackboard site and
Turnitin Assignment submission will be used to check identity of the written part against other
published and unpublished work. Academic Integrity and originality of your work will be
reviewed during the marking and moderation process so you are strongly advised to read the
Exercise – Excel and Tableau Sem 1, 2021
ACCT5034 Analysis and Visualisation of Financial Data
information about academic integrity at this site if you have not used Turnitin before (Student
Plagiarism Guide PDF1). Please review this Guide to academic integrity and contact the Unit
Coordinator early in semester if you need further explanation or need any clarification about
your assessment submission.