EE 161: Digital Communication Systems
Creation date:2024-04-07 15:35:00
Digital Communication Systems
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EE 161: Digital Communication Systems
Guidelines for the final project
Topic: The specific theme should be related to the class and of sufficient technical depth. Upon
receiving a title, an extended abstract, and IEEE journal paper references, the instructor will provide
you with feedback.
1. Oral presentation
Each project will be given ten minutes for presentation and two minutes for questions and
answers. You must upload in Canvas the electronic presentation material including the presentation.
This has the time-saving advantage that only one laptop is needed. Practice in advance to ensure that
the presentation time does not exceed the maximum of ten minutes. A rule of thumb is that each slide
should take approximately one to two minutes to explain giving a total of 6-12 slides.
2. Written report
The title of the project, name of the student(s), course name and date of presentation must be
clearly indicated on a single cover page. Avoid writing a report that simply restates the same
information contained in the slides. The written report shall be no longer than twelve single-spaced
pages, excluding the cover page, typewritten in 12 pt Times Roman font (or equivalent) using a page
format with one inch margins, and shall consist of at least the following parts:
Not more than 100 words that clearly indicate the objectives and fundamental ideas or concepts
contained in the project.
Main content
Any number of sections and subsections can be included here. This depends on the authors and
also on the scope and type of project. Be careful and make sure not to copy and paste material
(including figures or diagrams) from an existing web site or document, as the report will be
checked with an anti-plagiarism tool.
Conclusions (or final remarks)
Do not use references to web sites. This includes class notes or material from academic
institutions and “wikipedia”. This is bad practice and will result in lost points.
3. Grading policy
Oral presentation Written report
(a) Clarity and pace (15%) (a) Usage of English language (15%)
(b) Graphs/diagrams (35%) (b) Sectioning and logical progression (15%)
(c) Technical content (50%) (c) Technical content (55%)
(d) References (15%)