COMP5511: Artificial Intelligence Concepts
Creation date:2024-04-07 15:11:48
Artificial Intelligence Concepts
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COMP5511: Artificial Intelligence Concepts
cases but their forms is provided in the question description below. No late
submission is allowed and don’t forget to double check if the submission is
saved successfully before leaving.
• When handling the paths for file loading and saving, please use relative
paths for the TAs to run your codes easily in a different environment.
• Last but not least, best of the luck for this assignment! :)
Question 1. Recall that in Quiz 1, we handle the following question with A*
algorithm. As it is said in the story, a traveler wants to travel from a site to another.
The map can be represented as a graph, such as the one shown in Figure 1, while
this time we generalize the problem into a map with N nodes, where V0 denotes
the start point while VN the target point. Suppose that traveling from node Vi to Vj
will result in the cost of C(Vi,Vj) = (i+ j) ·W (Vi,Vj), where the weight W (Vi,Vj)
is denoted as edge weight of Vi and Vj (such as the numbers appearing near the
edges linking two nodes in Figure 1). This is defined as the cost of the edge Vi-Vj.
For example, the weight of edge V2-V4 is 4 and the cost traveling from V2 to V4
should be (2+ 4) · 4 = 24, so does the cost from V4 to V2. The cost of the path
Vi1Vi2...Vik (where i1, i2, ..., ik ∈ {0,1,2, ...,N} and are distinct with each other2) is
the sum of cost of the k−1 involving edges, i.e.,
C(Vi j ,Vi j+1) =
(i j+ i j+1) ·W (Vi j ,Vi j+1) (1)
For example, the cost through the path V0V1V4V7 will result in the cost:
(0+1) ·1+(1+4) ·5+(4+7) ·4 = 70
Our goal is to help the traveler find a path fromV0 toVN that exhibits the small-
est cost. The input describing how the graph looks like is an file in “input.txt”,
which can be considered to be put in the same folder of the code file (with the
main function). The first line is N (the number of nodes on the graph map), fol-
lowed by the lines indicating the edge weights, where each line shows node ID in
one side (i), node ID in the other side ( j), and the weight of the edge (W (Vi,Vj)),
separated with the spaces “ ”. For example, here comes the input describing the
graph in Figure 1:
2By definition, a vertex on the graph appears at most once on a path.
Figure 1: A graph representing the traveler’s map. Vertices (nodes on the graph)
are in blue and the numbers near the edges denote the weights of the edges. For
example, the weight of V2-V4 is 4, i.e., W (V2,V4) = 4.
0 1 1
0 2 3
0 3 2
1 4 5
1 6 3
2 4 4
2 5 3
3 5 2
3 6 7
4 7 4
5 7 1
6 7 1
The expected output is one line showing the nodes forming the goal path (with
the smallest cost in sum), starting with 0 and ending with N, displayed by their
node IDs separated by the space “ ”. For example, as you have probably known,
the goal path corresponding to the graph in Figure 1 is V0→ V3→ V5→ V7. So
the output is “0 3 5 7”. You can simply print the output line on the screen at the
end of the computing process. If there are more than one goal paths, you can print
any one of them.
Note. Please use A* algorithm for implementation. Uninformed search or
brute-force solutions can only earn half of the score. (30’)
Question 2. Sentiment classification for tweets are very helpful for people to
understand the public opinions from users. Here, we will implement a Naive
Bayes classifier to classify the sentiment polarity of the tweets. In the class, we
discussed the case with only positive and negative polarity, you can generalize
that to the classification problem involving three classes — positive, negative, and
neutral, where neutral means that the tweet does not exhibit subjective polarity
of positive or negative, such as “I did the laundry on the weekend.”, which tends
to be objective. We’ve released the training data and validation data, named as
“Train.tsv” and “Valid.tsv”, where you can learn the model on the training data
and examine the model performance on the validation data. For both files, each
tweet record is presented in a line, separated into “tweet ID”, “user ID”, “senti-
ment label” (positive, neutral, or negative), and “Tweet text” by tab (\t). To help
us understand your model performance, we also provided the test file (“Test.tsv”)
with the “sentiment label” field hidden. So, there are only three fields, “tweet ID”,
“user ID”, and “Tweet text” separated by the tab (\t).
Please implement Naive Bayes model from scratch (without using any external
packages or libraries), train the parameters (priors and likelihoods) on the training
data, examine the preliminary performance on the validation data, and use the
trained model to predict the sentiment labels for the test tweets.
Here in addition to the codes and the readme.txt file, it is required to submit
prediction results in a file named as “prediction.tsv” put on the same directory with
the codes. The “prediction.tsv” should contain 3,217 lines, where each shows one
of the sentiment labels (“positive”, “neutral”, or “negative”); for the i-th line, it
contains the prediction label for the test tweet on the i-th line of “Test.tsv”
Note. In readme.txt, besides the words describing how to run the training and
testing codes, please also indicate the classification accuracy obtained by your
model on the validation set. (50’)
Question 3. We learned the K-means clustering methods in the class. You can
implement the algorithm from scratch (without using external packages or li-
braries) and group the points in 3 clusters. The input points are put in a file named
as “Points.csv”: each line shows a 2D vector (point) where the first and second
entry are separated by the comma “,”. When running the codes, it is required to
generate a figure visualizing the clustering results. In visualization, you can first
draw a scatter plot with the input vectors (x-axis corresponding to the first entry
while y-axis the second entry), and then color each point in red, green, and blue,
indicating the cluster it belongs to.
Note. It is assumed that the “Points.csv” file is put in the same folder as the
codes (with the main function). In K-means implementation, everything should be
handled from scratch, while for visualization purpose, you can attach any graphics
or visualization packages you want. For initialization, the representatives of the
three classes are (40,40), (100,0), and (0,100), respectively. (20’)