SOFT2412_COMP9412 Exam
Creation date:2024-04-02 16:00:29
Quiz Instructions
SOFT2412_COMP9412 Exam
Quiz Instructions
1.5 ptsQuestion 1
Git automatically resolves conflicts that may arise in files tracked in Git repository by
adding special markers called "Conflict-resolution markers"
A distributed version control system has a single server that contains all versioned files
and a number of clients that check-out files from the central server.
"Origin" is the special remote branch that is automatically created when one clones a
remote repository.
When you make a commit, Git stores a commit object that contains a pointer to the
snapshot of the content you staged
Which of the following is correct?
1.5 ptsQuestion 2
Writing unit tests causes the whole project to take longer because the team spends more
time writing code, but it’s worth it for the extra quality.
Unit tests are written immediately after writing the code that they test
Test-driven development is used exclusively by XP teams.
Development happens in very short cycles in which requirements are turned into specific
test cases which must fail before implementing the requirements
Which of the following is true about test-driven development?
1.5 ptsQuestion 3
Members of Agile teams have mutual respect and mutual responsibility toward the work
needs to be done.
Larger Agile teams perform better than small ones
Agile teams that work harmoniously together perform better than those with lots of conflict
Agile teams work with the best developers; about 4-5 senior developers per team
Which of the following is true about Agile teams?
1.5 ptsQuestion 4
In multi-version systems, there is never just one working version of a system.
Semantic versioning can help to manage dependencies between system packages,
libraries and plugins.
Codeline specifies the component versions that are included in the system plus a
specification of the libraries used and configuration files.
Patents grant inventor(s) the right to exclude others from making, using or selling and
importing an invention for a limited time in exchange for public disclosure of the invention.
Which of the following statements is not correct?
1.5 ptsQuestion 5
Consider a software product that currently in version 2.0.0 . Imagine that some
bug fixes made to version 2.0.0 . Following the semantic version principles which
of the following versions should assigned to the next release?