COMS31900 Advanced Algorithms Suffix trees
Creation date:2024-04-02 15:44:33
Advanced Algorithms Suffix trees
Advanced Algorithms Suffix trees, LCA, RMQ Teaching Block 2
Problem sheet 3
Please feel free to discuss these problems on the unit discussion board or
directly with your colleagues. If you would like to have your answers marked,
please either hand them in in person at a lecture or problems class. Submitted
work will be marked as quickly as possible, ideally within one week of being
handed in.
1. (From Gusfield) Given a set S of k strings, we want to find every string
in S that is a substring of some other string in S. That is, we want to
find the smallest subset of strings S′ ⊂ S such that no string in S − S′
is a substring of any other string in that set. Assuming that the total
length of all the strings is n, give an O(n)-time algorithm to solve this
2. (From Gusfield) A suffix tree for a string S can be viewed as a keyword
tree, where the strings in the keyword tree are the suffixes of S. In this
way, a suffix tree is useful in efficiently building a keyword tree when
the strings for the tree are only implicitly specified. Now consider the
following implicitly specified set of strings : Given two strings S1 and
S2, let D be the set of all substrings of S1 that are not contained in
S2. Assuming the two strings are of length n, show how to construct a
keyword tree for set D in O(n) time.
3. Assume you are given two strings S1 and S2 of length n. Describe how
you can find the length of the longest substring in S2 that is also a
substring of S1 in O(n) time. You should describe the different parts of
your algorithmic solution in detail and also give the total running time.
4. This question is about the LCA problem. For the example tree in the
lectures with 11 nodes, write out the complete reduction to the ±1 RMQ
problem. What is the total size of the data created by the LCA prepro-
cessing ?
5. If you are given an independent and efficient solution to the full RMQ
problem, how can you reduce the space needed for the arrays created
in the reduction from LCA to RMQ? Show your new reduction for the
example tree in the lectures with 11 nodes.