programming generally
Creation date:2024-03-27 17:41:16
programming generally
This assignment aims to give you
practice in Shell programming generally
a clear concrete understanding of Git's core semantics
Note: the material in the lecture notes will not be sufficient by itself to allow you to complete this assignment. You may need to search on-
line documentation for Shell, Git, etc. Being able to search documentation efficiently for the information you need is a very useful skill for any
kind of computing work.
You are going to implement Pushy, a simple but powerful subset of the version control system Git.
Your task in this assignment is to write 10 shell scripts named
pushy-init pushy-add pushy-commit pushy-log pushy-show
pushy-rm pushy-status pushy-branch pushy-checkout pushy-merge
Each of these script implements a simplified version of the corresponding Git command.
Git is a very complex program that has many individual commands. You only have to implement simplified equivalents of some core
You are given a number of simplifying assumptions which make your task much easier.
Interestingly, large parts of early versions of Git were implemented in Shell.
Reference implementation
Many aspects of this assignment are not fully specified in this document; instead, you must match the behaviour of a reference
For example, your script
should match the behaviour of
2041 pushy-add
exactly, including producing the same error
Provision of a reference implementation is a common method to provide or define an operational specification, and it's something you will
likely need to do after you leave UNSW.
Discovering and matching the reference implementation's behaviour is deliberately part of the assignment.
While the code in the reference implementation is fairly straightforward, reverse-engineering its behaviour is obviously not so simple, and is
a nice example of how coming to grips with the precise semantics of an apparently obvious task can still be challenging.
If you discover what you believe to be a bug in the reference implementation, report it in the class forum. We may fix the bug, or indicate that
you do not need to match the reference implementation's behaviour in this case.
Pushy Commands
Subset 0
Subset 0 commands must be implemented in POSIX-compatible Shell.
See the Permitted Languages section for more information.
command creates an empty Pushy repository.
should create a directory named
, which it will use to store the repository.
It should produce an error message if this directory already exists, or cannot be created.
You should match this, and other error messages exactly. For example:
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$ ls -d .pushy
ls: cannot access '.pushy': No such file or directory
$ ./pushy-init
Initialized empty pushy repository in .pushy
$ ls -d .pushy
$ ./pushy-init
./pushy-init: error: .pushy already exists
may create initial files or directories inside
You do not have to use a particular representation to store the repository.
You do not have to (and should not) create the same files and directories inside
as the reference implementation.
You can create whatever files or directories inside
you wish.
Do not store information outside
pushy-add filenames...
command adds the contents of one or more files to the “index”.
Files are added to the repository in a two-step process. The first step is adding them to the index.
You will need to store files in the index somehow in the
For example, you might choose store them in a sub-directory of
Only ordinary files in the current directory can be added.
You can assume filenames start with an alphanumeric character (
) and will only contain alpha-numeric characters, plus
command, and other Pushy commands, will not be given pathnames with slashes.
pushy-commit -m message
command saves a copy of all files in the index to the repository.
A message describing the commit must be included as part of the commit command.
Pushy commits are numbered sequentially: they are not hashes, like Git. You must match the numbering scheme.
You can assume the commit message is ASCII, does not contain new-line characters, and does not start with a
The pushy-log command prints a line for every commit made to the repository.
Each line should contain the commit number and the commit message.
pushy-show [commit]:filename
should print the contents of the specified filename as of the specified commit.
If commit is omitted, the contents of the file in the index should be printed.
You can assume the commit, if specified, will be a non-negative integer.
Subset 0 examples
$ ./pushy-init
Initialized empty pushy repository in .pushy
$ echo line 1 > a
$ echo hello world >b
$ ./pushy-add a b
$ ./pushy-commit -m 'first commit'
Committed as commit 0
$ echo line 2 >>a
$ ./pushy-add a
$ ./pushy-commit -m 'second commit'
Committed as commit 1
$ ./pushy-log
1 second commit
0 first commit
$ echo line 3 >>a
$ ./pushy-add a
$ echo line 4 >>a
$ ./pushy-show 0:a
line 1
$ ./pushy-show 1:a
line 1
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Subset 1
Subset 1 is more difficult. You will need to spend some time understanding the semantics (meaning) of these operations, by running the
reference implementation, or researching the equivalent Git operations.
Note the assessment scheme recognises this difficulty.
Subset 1 commands must be implemented in POSIX-compatible Shell.
See the Permitted Languages section for more information.
pushy-commit [-a] -m message
pushy-commit can now have a -a option,
which causes all files already in the index to have their contents from the current directory added to the index before the commit.
pushy-rm [--force] [--cached] filenames...
removes a file from the index, or, from the current directory and the index.
If the
option is specified, the file is removed only from the index, and not from the current directory.
, like
git rm
, should stop the user accidentally losing work, and should give an error message instead if the removal would
cause the user to lose work. You will need to experiment with the reference implementation to discover these error messages. Researching
git rm
's behaviour may also help.
option overrides this, and will carry out the removal even if the user will lose work.
shows the status of files in the current directory, the index, and the repository.
There are many different cases to consider for
You will need to experiment with the reference implementation to find them all.
Subset 1 examples
$ ./pushy-init
Initialized empty pushy repository in .pushy
$ touch a b c d e f g h
$ ./pushy-add a b c d e f
$ ./pushy-commit -m 'first commit'
Committed as commit 0
$ echo hello >a
$ echo hello >b
$ ./pushy-commit -a -m 'second commit'
Committed as commit 1
$ echo world >>a
$ echo world >>b
$ echo hello world >c
$ ./pushy-add a
$ echo world >>b
$ rm d
$ ./pushy-rm e
$ ./pushy-add g
$ ./pushy-status
a - file changed, changes staged for commit
b - file changed, changes not staged for commit
Subset 2
Subset 2 is extremely difficult. You will need to spend considerable time understanding the semantics of these operations, by running the
reference implementation, and/or researching the equivalent Git operations.
Note the assessment scheme recognises this difficulty.
Subset 2 commands must be implemented in POSIX-compatible Shell.
See the Permitted Languages section for more information.
pushy-branch [-d] [branch-name]
either creates a branch, deletes a branch, or lists current branch names.
If branch-name is omitted, the names of all branches are listed.
If branch-name is specified, then a branch with that name is created or deleted,
depending on whether the
option is specified.
pushy-checkout branch-name
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switches branches.
Note that, unlike Git, you can not specify a commit or a file: you can only specify a branch.
pushy-merge (branch-name|commit-number) -m message
adds the changes that have been made to the specified branch or commit to the index, and commits them.
Subset 2 examples
$ ./pushy-init
Initialized empty pushy repository in .pushy
$ seq 1 7 >7.txt
$ ./pushy-add 7.txt
$ ./pushy-commit -m commit-1
Committed as commit 0
$ ./pushy-branch b1
$ ./pushy-checkout b1
Switched to branch 'b1'
$ sed -Ei 's/2/42/' 7.txt
$ cat 7.txt
$ ./pushy-commit -a -m commit-2
Committed as commit 1
$ ./pushy-checkout master
If a file has been changed in both branches pushy-merge produces an error message.
Note: if a file has been changed in both branches git examines which lines have been changed and combines the changes if possible.
Pushy doe not do this, for example:
$ ./pushy-init
Initialized empty pushy repository in .pushy
$ seq 1 7 >7.txt
$ ./pushy-add 7.txt
$ ./pushy-commit -m commit-1
Committed as commit 0
$ ./pushy-branch b1
$ ./pushy-checkout b1
Switched to branch 'b1'
$ sed -Ei 's/2/42/' 7.txt
$ cat 7.txt
$ ./pushy-commit -a -m commit-2
Committed as commit 1
$ ./pushy-checkout master
As usual, some autotests will be available:
$ 2041 autotest pushy pushy-*
You can also run only tests for a particular subset or an individual test:
$ 2041 autotest pushy subset1 pushy-*
$ 2041 autotest pushy subset1_13 pushy-*
If you are using extra Shell files, include them on the autotest command line.
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Autotest and automarking will run your scripts with a current working directory different to the directory containing the script. The directory
containing your submission will be in
You will need to do most of the testing yourself.
Test Scripts
You should submit ten Shell scripts, named
, which run pushy commands that test an aspect of Pushy.
scripts do not have to be examples that your program implements successfully.
You may share your test examples with your friends, but the ones you submit must be your own creation.
The test scripts should show how you've thought about testing carefully.
You are only expected to write test scripts testing parts of Pushy you have attempted to implement. For example, if you have not attempted
subset 2 you are not expected to write test scripts testing pushy-merge .
Permitted Languages
Your programs must be written entirely in POSIX-compatible shell.
Your programs will be run with dash, in
. You can assume anything that works with the version of
on CSE systems is
POSIX compatible.
Start your programs with:
If you want to run these scripts on your own machine — for example, one running macOS — which has dash installed somewhere other than
, use:
#!/usr/bin/env dash
You are permitted to use any feature
On CSE systems,
is the Bash (Bourne-again shell) shell:
is a symlink to
. Bash implements many non-POSIX
extensions, including regular expressions and arrays. These will not work with
, and you are not permitted to use these for the