Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology Electrical Power Systems
Creation date:2024-03-27 15:18:38
Electrical Power Systems
Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology Electrical Power Systems
Test 1, Semester 1 – 2022 Page 1 of 2
Test 1 Questions
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Swinburne University of Technology EEE30002
Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology Electrical Power Systems
Test 1, Semester 1 – 2022 Page 2 of 2
Question 1 [25 marks]
In Fig. 1 below, the Y connected synchronous generator (SG) has internal reactance XS = 0.2 Ω per phase,
the ∆/Y connected 3-phase transformer bank is made up of three identical single-phase transformers, each
with internal reactance XT = 0.48 Ω (on the low-voltage side), negligible resistance and magnetizing
current, and turn ratio N2/N1 = 5. The transformer bank is delivering 50 MW at 0.8 PF lagging to a
substation bus with bus voltage 115 kV.
Fig. 1
Use the line-to-neutral voltage at the bus as the reference. Account for the phase shift. Determine
a) the three-phase complex power supplied by the generator and power factor, [12 marks]
b) the generator internal voltage, [4 marks]
c) the equation for the three-phase active electric power delivered by the SG versus its power
(torque) angle δ (in numerical form, not symbolic form), and [3 marks]
d) the power angle δ at which the SG delivers the electric power. [4 marks]
e) What does the power (torque) angle δ represent in the equivalent circuit? [2 marks]
• This paper contains 5 questions and a total of 25 pages.
Y connected
XS = 0.2 Ω
∆/Y step-up
transformer bank
N2/N1 = 5
XT = 0.48 Ω
115 kV substation bus
P = 50MW
pf = 0.8